funniest scene?

To me was when they're on their way back from Nepal with the knife and Eddie Murphy puts on the headphones and starts chanting in nonsense Nepalese and the girl with him right away starts laughing. You can tell it's a real laugh not acting. Makes me crack up every time.


Old thread, but what the heck. I just watched TGC on Netflix and came by here to read up on things.

The funniest part, for me, when Eddie is walking through Katmandu asking "Did you see a little naked man running through here with a hundred dollar bill?"

Girl: "No, but I can arrange it for you." Or something along those lines.


A lot of good, funny scenes mentioned here.

One of my faves is yeah the record-scratching " I I I I I wan the kniivvve!"

Also when he first meets he girl, he's playing b-ball with the kids and is holding up the game talking to her, and the kids are getting impatient as she says something like "you really love children don't you?" and he yells at the impatient kid "SHUT UP!!!"

A great line, all about Murphy's hilarious delivery!



When Murphy over-congratulates the Tibetan airport security as a distraction. The face of the last guy - this complete mong who Murphy is lavishing with praise. Genius little moments like this make a great comedy.


When Murphy over-congratulates the Tibetan airport security as a distraction. The face of the last guy - this complete mong who Murphy is lavishing with praise. Genius little moments like this make a great comedy.

every time i see that scene, i think that the guy is actually Nepalese and doesn't understand one friggin' word that Eddie is saying. But he's just smiling away.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck
