Stupidest movie.

Just saying.
It's too pro-American. I don't see why these "American hero" movies where foreigners are always the bad guys become entertainment. Even though I'm American born and raised, I'm sick of it. Tell me a couple of American movies where American people are actually bad guys, because in truth, we sometimes are.
That's why we have so many racist bastards in the US. I can't stand one more person say "I hate Muslims, let's kick Afghanistan's Muslim ass."


So exactly what kind of feel good Combat action movie would have the Americans as bad guys? I'm not even American and I wouldn't want to see that.

Wanna see bad Americans? Then watch Cop Action movie where renegade cops hunt down American Criminals and fight injustice in the American System forced on them by Bureaucratic American pencil pushers.


hey have you thought that maybe the director LOVES AMERICA??? and that MOST of americans are the target market of this movie? bloody arse!


Yup, this movie brings a stereotypical view of Middle Easterners alright. Terrorism was invented by the N.W.O. to control minds and draw in a huge profit. It does exist over there, but it's highly exaggerated.
I would say domestic terrorism comes from the CSA, those people hate half of our country and want to overthrow our union. Plain creepy.

Oh, and Bruce Lee made better movies than Chuck Norris ever did.

"You can't kill the boogeyman."

- Tommy Doyle


Typical Liberal America hater.....


I first saw this film ay the age of 12. Even then I've noticed the 'American Hero' BullShyt. It was nauseating at times. But the action sequences were cool. I bet every talking heaf on Fox News masturbated to this flick.



You nauseate with your crap, and I bet every liberal who watches all the other misinformation channels masturbate when Obama talks...


I'm no liberal. Both parties are the cold sores on the lips on America. With the Republicans being the more racists of the 2.


Two off the top of my head:

1. Platoon (some of the Americans are bad guys)
2. The Michael J Fox - Sean Peen Vietnam Movie, whatever it was called (several American bad guys)


It came out during the Reagan presidency. All action movies was way over the top.


I know this is over 7 years old but Anti- Americans like the OP make me sick.

Have some guts, leave the country, never comeback and renounce your citizenship. I would have more respect for that but being a whiny gutless liberal that use's the American system is so much easier.
