wow, with the godawful music and the terrible acting, it begs the question-how on earth can someone release such a horrible film and make so much money off of it? not to mention the actors that were once good in their careers were washed up. also, chuck norris was pathetic. i have yet to see a movie that i despise as much as this one. to think of it, the only reason i could survive this movie was because i was spending time with my grandfather with declining health and terrible taste in movies when i watched it.
Hear Hear!!!! I agree wholeheartedly, if one does not like the movie they are watching, then one does not have to watch it! It never ceases to amaze me as to some of these armchair critics who blast a motion picture they do not like, and they complain of having to endure watching it. For heaven's sake, there is such as thing as on and off! Turn it off!
This is the place we viewers express our thougths and critics.If we like the movie especially we comment it in a positiv way.If we disgust or disklike the movie we feel the same urge to write about that too.Simple as that. And it´s informative for other people to read about before they see the film.Have a nice day.
Thats right, we all have our opinion. Now about the movie. It was one of my favourite movies...umm... let's say about twenty years ago when i was like 6 years old or smth:D Just watched it again(nostalgia I guess:)) and I don't have words to describe how utterly bad it was. The americans coming, killing all the bad guys and saving the day, always fighting for the right cause. Not to mention the cheesy special effects and poor acting. Guess I've just gotten too old for this kinda *beep* So there you have it.
"killing all the bad guys and saving the day, always fighting for the right cause.".... pretty much the blueprint of every action movie ever made. That's not a bad thing. I think you just lost your innocence, it's not old age.
why shouldn't anyone comment on this piece o'crap. thanks for the tip about the on/off button techno-boy, but that doesn't change the fact that this film sucks a$$
don't you know how an a cheesy 80's action film with 80's music with 80's characters is going to turn out. Yeah and as the other dude was saying if u don't like it, don't care so much about it man. U wanna see a *beep* movie then watch one that is made by David Lynch. Believe me, i think u will agree.
This was my favorite movie when I was 10. That's the demographic it was made for in the Regan-esque Republican Era.
Put 2 and 2 together and this isn't even close to the worst of the lot of over-testosterone action-packed flicks of the 80s. This is actually one of the better ones. At least it has plenty of plot development and even a bit of character development.
There are tons of other over-hyped action movies that are entirely more shallow and devoid of thought; even ones from the 90s and the current decade. If you watch this knowing what it is and expecting no more, that's exactly what you get.
I kinda thought this movie was rather weak probably for opposite reasons. I thought it went too slow, too much plot developement. Norris doesn't kill anyone till over half way into the film. And the bike was just kinda weird, not really that cool. I preferred delta force 2 very much over this. Better 80's movies are rambos II and III, commando, missing in action, death wish 3 and so on.
MAAAAAAATE!!! This was a top flick - it's all about going into it knowing what it is! It's an 80s shoot the *beep* out of everything blow up the terrorists style flick, so why would you bother commenting on or watching it if you couldn't stomach it? I sometimes wonder about the strange narcissism of people.
It starts out as basically a remake of "Raid on Entebbe," which was a realistic movie based on what happened during a famous hijacking in real life and then at some point it veers off into a fantasy realm where the military guys who come in to rescue the hostages are more like Barry Bostwick's crew from Mega Force. Only with cooler looking dune buggies.
I don't really get the point of the motorcycle with the machine guns and rear-mounted mortar launcher... other than kids would think it was cool.
There was a lot of stuff that could be chalked up both to Israeli patriotism and making young boys think it was really cool (the U.S. forces using neat looking UZIs instead of something more standard like M-16s, for example), so it is what it is.
But it's kind of strange to take a true story that already had plenty of potential to be more exciting than the first movie based on it and then decide that what they needed in the third act was Chuck Norris blowing up stuff on a customized motorcycle sort of like Street Hawk. Which gives the whole thing this odd Knight Rider/James Bond vibe that doesn't really fit with the more plausible stuff from before that point.
i cannot say that i do agree with the second part of pietro's comment in the least, however the first part certainly is accurate.
i love watching mindless american action movies - which often enough are involuntary comedies - but, the shockingly obvious racist and propagandist notions in this picture are simply appaling. apart from the fact that the leitmotif of america saving the day is - at times! - amusing, the delta force clearly intends to corroborate the alleged legitimacy of this claim by portraying the arabs as pure incarnations of evil. allegedly harmless films along the same lines help to cut the path for dangerous stereotypes that are still popular today and lead to naive and intolerable user comments as the one i read before entering this forum.
to meet the predictable - and lame - reproach of commenting on a film i do not like: according to the definition of a forum, it is nothing but a place for discussion and exchange of opinions. this, as i am sure we should strive for, is meant to function as a stimulant for reconsidering your opinions, having your attention drawn to aspects of a film you have overlooked and - sometimes - just letting off some steam (the ideals of a free and democtratic society george w. and chucky are after all supposedly fighting for). and please don't tell me that you guys have never come across a motion picture which you did despise, yet did sit through for that very reason, your emotions in the form of wrath and resentment having been triggered of by the film, making it fascinating and mesmerizing in a strange way.
I sat down to this film, gazing with amusement at the cast, (Shelley Winters and George Kennedy in *another* disaster film), and expected another giggle-fest. What surprised me was how genuinely suspenseful and exciting the first half of the film was, thanks in large part to Robert Forster's powerful and convincing performance as the head terrorist. I think it's a shame that it all kind of falls to pieces in the second half as Chuck goes into action overdrive (with some scenes uncomfortably reminisent of the recent 'TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE') with character development hurled aside. And I must confess, in the tradition of many middle-of-the-road 80s films, the soundtrack truly was godawful. Hilariously so. But I think ultimately the movie stands as a bit of a silly timewaster, I don't think the villians stand for a condemnation of Middle Eastern people, merely the extremist, fanatically religious elements of that society.
I agree, the first half of this film was not too bad (take away the opening scene with Chuck and his gang), but as soon as the gang sprung into action, that's where the quality ended for me. The 80s spewed out some really bad, patriotic rubbish like this from Hollywood, the only thing that's had lasting value is the A-Team, for comedy reasons. But this one, like others such as Rambo II, wasn't even good for a laugh.
PS. Stop rippin' on that first poster, he's allowed to trash the movie if he wants, thanks to Chuck America's a free country and that's exactly what these boards are for, not just kissing a movie's ass.
It had bad direction and no character development - Every wanna-be movie critic on the planet.
The opening scene is based on operation eagle claw the attempt to rescue the iranian embassy hostages in 1980 and is accurate as they was a collision between one of the helicopters and one of the refueling aircraft at the refueling point in the desert due to a sandstorm. They had to abort the mission and several us soldiers and airmen died in the explosion when the aviation grade gasoline ignited.
The rest of the film is a fictionalized version of the hijacking flight 847. Delta force never got the chance to do a rescue op as israel released a several hundred shia prison in exchange. They seperation of the passengers with jewish sounding last names happened, the murder of a us navy enlisted man happened.the german flight attendant did resist naming the jewish passengers. The part that is fictional nis the part with delta force storming the plane and chuck norris freeing the jewish men and the priest in beirut.
"I agree, the first half of this film was not too bad (take away the opening scene with Chuck and his gang), but as soon as the gang sprung into action, that's where the quality ended for me."
Funny. Roger Ebert says the exact opposite. And, personally, I agree.