At the same time, one could argue that demons don't attack Atheists because that would bring them closer to Jesus. After all, if you don't believe in demons, then you wouldn't believe in God either and that's what they want.
Good point because if something bad did happen that could ultimately lead them to believing in God which from a demons point of view would be a bad thing.
but in general... it's forbidden to use Ouija board's by the Catholic church as they are occult and anything of that sort is forbidden for your own safety as nothing good can come from them as it's a form of divination which is forbidden in the bible.
if anything happens using a Ouija board it's always going to be tied to demons/hell. obviously nothing good will come from that.
with that said... i never touched one in my life and never will as it appears exorcists say that many possessions etc are tied to Ouija boards.
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