Is It Pretty Much Racist That This Film Didn't Finish With An Interracial Ménage à trois?
Just finished a rewatch and one cannot help but feel slightly uncomfortable by the ending of this.
I feel that if this was remade today, for consumption by today's more enlightened audiences, it would almost certainly have finished with Bond entertaining both of the ladies simultaneously.
However, back in the '80s it was acceptable to see a black woman - who we've literally just seen saving Bond's live - as expendable. I'm pretty sure if this was made today this aspect of the script would not have got off the drawing board. Bond would have to be seen pleasuring May Day as well as the stereotypically acceptable blonde damsel in distress.
Furthermore, being Sir Roger's final scene, it would have been a great way for him to bow out - reaffirming that James Bond is no racist and will pump women of any ethnic / racial background for information as required.
If any further convincing is required, it is this:- The film also finishes with what is undoubtedly the weakest finale line delivered by Q in the entire Rogertainment era. What's Bond doing Q they ask - "Just cleaning up a few details" is the response... Lame.
Now if Bond was satisfying both of the women, he could have said something like "Just menaging to finish off a couple of things here Sir!" and the house would have come down! Sad that this opportunity was missed...