MovieChat Forums > Silver Bullet (1985) Discussion > Back then and now, how soon did you call...

Back then and now, how soon did you call the werewolf's identity?

Me like most of the people only at the eye patch.

Not sooner than that because I'm thick.

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I didn't realize the werewolf's identity until the very end when the naked minister was dead on the living room floor. Then, I thought, "Aha! That's who Marty shot in the eye with a rocket earlier in the movie." Sure, we see the minister with a patch over his eye, but no direct confirmation that his eye was actually missing.



Nobody KNEW. And anyone who says otherwise is full of $hit. Up until the eye patch, there wasn't a single piece of evidence or clue that alluded or hinted the Preach was the werewolf. Taking a GUESS does not mean you KNEW.


I knew.

Because years earlier, I read the novella this movie is based on.

IMDb: A place where actors are complimented for their acting, actresses for their boobs


The same as you. I didn't know until the bandage over the eye either.

I don't think so, Tim.


Nightmare scene. And honestly, that sorta killed the movie for me even though I still enjoyed the rest of it. Reveal was too soon.

I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.


First time I saw it, about 15 years ago, it was the scene where Reverend Lowe has his eye patch on that I thought it might be him. Now, I think there's a hint that it's him when he tries to stop the lynch mob. And of course there's his nightmare.....


The nightmare scene gave it away for me.

