
Anyone know the name of the song they play at the end of the movie??


that was a really cute songi remember it when it use to come on HBo


cute movie and cute song.


Here you can hear it... What a nice movie, Jennifer is lovely... About having 15 years old... Well, I have 16... Just enjoy da song...

See ya!

Today so many people believe in love, that to sell condoms is the solution


That youtube link has been dead for some time now. I actually emailed Josie Aiello on MySpace and asked her where I could find a copy of her song "Dear You" This was her response.....

"Join the club. I can't even find it. Hundreds of people have
e mailed me about it, but unfortunately I have no clue.


So if anyone has a copy of the soundtrack or this song please email me at [email protected]



New link

Today so many people believe in love, that selling condoms is the solution


Thanks for the link. Almost four years later, it's still up!

Now to find the real soundtrack on vinyl.



The music in this film is god awful. Its a 1985 film with music taken straight from a late 70s early 80s TV show with a TV show house band composing all the tracks. They really cheaped out with the music. Some teen films have all the songs of the day and a certain style so it gives it that edge, puts it in a perfect time capsule. If you watch a few teen movies from the 80s you notice that some spend the cash on music and others do go cheap with smaller unknown bands and music but its still contemporary to the time.

This music was so outdated before it even got into the cinema. Thats probably a big reason its not remembered, the kids who were used to MTV and teen movies like the John Hughes films having the banging tracks of the time laid over every scene, then came to watch this to hear cheap assed crap and probably got bored.

Just imagine Karate Kid without that Bananarama song Cruel Summer when Daniel is riding the bike from school and remove the Bill Conti score. Replace them with some cheesy TV house band music and its not the same film.

Other than that I liked it, 127 minutes, boom, in and out, nice little story with the two friends Jeff and Polly as stand outs and I liked the Polly character and her story the best.

Can't believe all the main 3 characters were around 15 years when this was filmed. You just don't get that today.
