MovieChat Forums > Return to Oz (1985) Discussion > was anyone else terrifed by the wheelers...

was anyone else terrifed by the wheelers??

watching return to oz right now, and the wheelers still terrify me. they are so scary.

Life's a bitch, now so am I - Catwoman



Yeah.. they were a bit creepy at sight. The masks on their heads had an evil face, but when they popped their heads up, their real faces were also evil. They had a bunch of makeup on to make them look that way. I loved the way they moved around on the four wheels. Here are some pictures of the Wheelers and how the inventive wheels where attached to them. There's also some nice pictures of the movie and those evil Wheeler masks. Enjoy. 2/1583824909_c6216570b7.jpg&imgrefurl= turn-oz-wheelers-86767/&h=497&w=421&sz=252&tbnid=wjFkv E31zfgngM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=76&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwheelers%2Br eturn%2Bto%2Boz%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=wheelers+retur n+to+oz&docid=3wCUopFR-IgjeM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AdqrT9WwJIW R0AWzxK3kAw&sqi=2&ved=0CHsQ9QEwBw&dur=394

One more thing. The SFX with the heads was done very well. What baffled me about the heads is that once attached to Mombi's body she would no longer be in control. Unless she did some magic to transfer her thoughts into the heads brains. If not, those other girls should have been able to take control, but it appeared that Mombi was still in control even when her head wasn't on the body. I didn't find those party that scary. Only the Wheelers and the faces roaming around on the rocks were a bit creepy to me.


Yes!! They were very, very scary!



They frightened me as a child, but in an exciting way. I remember I actually loved being scared by them.

"Sunlight in the hair, and the blue sky fixed forever in your eyes."
The Vampire Lestat


I only saw this film when it first came out and I was in my 20s and the Wheelers were totally creepy, as was the scene where all the heads wake up and start talking.. this film was way too scary for little kids when it came out.. hard to say now as kids see scary things at a much earlier age than we did!

cool film though and i am sure the high production values still hold up nicely


I watched this movie several times as a child and I can honestly say it *beep* me up pretty good. From the Wheelers and their awful screeching noise, to Princess Mombi and all her dismembered heads, even the Gnome King was a bit frightening, especially the more human he became.
All in all though, I thought it was a very worthy sequel to The Wizard of Oz and I actually prefer Return to Oz. I just watched it all the way through tonight for the first time in at least 15 years and it just all started coming back to me. The emotions it made me feel, the horror, the dark humor, the creativity. Who the hell cares that the main characters from the first film only get small roles, if any at all. Cowardly Lion and The Tin Woodsman didn't even speak a word. Scarecrow spoke a bit, but I was disappointed by the expressionless, unchanging look and overall neglect they paid to The Scarecrow. I know you may think I'm counteracting myself, but if any of the previous characters deserved a little bit more screen time, attention and money for a proper outfit, and so on; I would have been much more pleased. Why The Scarecrow? Well he was the "King of Oz" and they never really delved into that either.
Anyway, there's my rant about what this movie meant and still does mean to me. I have a 6 year old niece, who happens to be something of a sadist and absolutely loves this movie, not frightened by a single scene. I asked my Sister why she would let my niece watch Return to OZ, but the new Batman movies were out of the question. "Too violent", she said. Pfft. Watching a bit of good guy vs bad guy violence, containing no blood or anything graphic seems much less threatening to a child's growing ego, but I'm not her parent so I have no say.


As a kid, The Wheeler's were scary, but the The Deadly Desert scared me more. I remember the introduction made the environment so much more dangerous where not only was this operational force to escape from, but the terrain itself was dangerous with confirmed and proven consequences.

Remember that this was back before the over-saturation of special effects, so watching something living turn into sand just by landing in it was a scary idea. It saddens me a bit that today's over reliance on CGI has cheapened the effective special effects of yesterday.


The Wheelers absolutely terrified me as a young boy. I was always kind of sensitive and easily scared (more so than your average child) when I was a kid. So you can imagine how I must have felt when I saw those twisted, terrifying visages. The sounds of the rusty squeaking which heralded their appearance was pretty unnerving as a child because you just knew something terrible was coming!

Looking back at the movie and many of the 80's and before then make me agree with what you stated Agrenisg. Hollywood does rely too heavily on CGI today and while I'm not totally against It's usage I do miss some of the puppetry and model effects of old stlye film-making.

Take for example movies like the original Star Wars Trilogy. Look at the creatures like Jabba the Hutt, the Ewoks, the one's in the bar at Mos Eisley etc. Although you could see they were people in costumes and/or were puppets they at least looked more tangible. The CGI effects that George Lucas would later use for the more recent prequels although flashy looked too animated! Like you were watching something more akin to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

Anyway, I've strayed from the original topic. I only commented on it because you brought it up Agrenish and I wanted to agree with what you were stating.


I agree, the deadly desert was scary as hell!
As a kid, instead of playing hot lava where you had to jump from piece of furniture to piece of furniture without touching the floor - mine was playing "deadly desert". Even when my friends/cousins didn't get the reference. My house! My deadly desert!

We've met before, haven't we?


No, I always thought they were cool how they could get around on 4 wheels. I was 12 when this came out so I thought it was more in the cool category then the scary category.


Yes! They scared me so badly I would nearly cry. It got to a point that I knew exactly when to fast forward the VHS tape, lol. Still a fabulous movie and one of my all time favorites.


I watch this movie as adult and they still creepy with their chilling laughing and twisted sadistic thirst for torment. The scene in which they appear for the first time is nothing less than perfect in terms of atmosphere. Dorothy almost alone (only with her chicken) in abandoned and ruined Emerald City, her friends became statues and she haven't idea how and why. And than we hearing their awful screeching noise, creepy danger music in the background, the terrifying croak. Everything together makes it one of the best ever villains first appearance in a movie.

Evidence of the creativity of films before CGI. They looks scary with the masks and without them.
