Excessively Cruel?

Not to look too deeply into the movie, but even as big a dick as the antagonist was (forget his name, already started typing this so don't feel like looking on the previous page), doesn't it seem like they sort of took it to a new level with their revenge on him? I mean, they *beep* the guy's home up. Probably lost items of sentimental value (the popcorn busted the house up, I imagine the pressure would've done likewise to everything in the house).

Now I'm not torn up about all of this. I thought it was funny when it happened, but upon further reflection it seems pretty messed up.


Wouldn't he end up in jail??? What happened to the house was the least of his problems!


hathaway was not a sentimental person.

as for the copius amount of popcorn... i don't believe there to be a calculation available to determine the amount of popcorn needed. the unintended breaking of the house couldn't have been known ahead of time. i'm sure they just wanted the house "full". there were bigger calcs to be done that made the cost/effort of making sure you have "enough popcorn" a throw away.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
