MovieChat Forums > The Quiet Earth (1985) Discussion > Being alone would be great

Being alone would be great

I'm completely fascinated by the idea of being the only person on earth,I suppose because I have social anxiety disorder,at least I think I have it.But I can't get over the thought that being alone would be such a great experience,maybe not completely alone but having one other person to talk to occasionally.I guess I'm already a semi hermit,the only reason I go out is to go to work,get groceries and to visit with my siblings and father.

My question is : do you know of any books or movies about being completely alone? I've seen a few movies like The Quiet Earth,of course,The Last Man on Earth,I Am Legend and The Omega Man but there's always other people in them.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I had a nightmare once that I was immortal, thus the only survivor of a nuclear war that I had caused. Since I was immortal, I couldn't kill myself. Despite being shy and somewhat of a misanthrope at the time (in real life), it's to this day the worst nightmare I've ever had, and I've had the usual gamut of being trapped or being chased by monsters. I woke up in tears and traumatized for the remainder of the following day.
Because of this, to this day I think this is what hell is; spending eternity walking the earth alone. I even discussed this with my pastor.


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The cure for your fears is not to avoid what you think causes them - it is to face them.

If you have social anxiety, you can't cure it by avoiding people and taking pills. You can only cure it by going as much into social situations as possible, until you are numb to it all. You can only hold to fear for so long when you are facing them, eventually you will be forced to release them.

Have you ever heard of conditioning? How about rejection therapy? If you are afraid of being rejected, BE rejected as much as possible, by the 100th time, it won't feel like anything.. or you will be just happy about it.

Face your fears, don't avoid and hide from them and then take some lab concoctions to mess up your body's natural chemical balance.
