MovieChat Forums > The Quiet Earth (1985) Discussion > Being alone would be great

Being alone would be great

I'm completely fascinated by the idea of being the only person on earth,I suppose because I have social anxiety disorder,at least I think I have it.But I can't get over the thought that being alone would be such a great experience,maybe not completely alone but having one other person to talk to occasionally.I guess I'm already a semi hermit,the only reason I go out is to go to work,get groceries and to visit with my siblings and father.

My question is : do you know of any books or movies about being completely alone? I've seen a few movies like The Quiet Earth,of course,The Last Man on Earth,I Am Legend and The Omega Man but there's always other people in them.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Read The Purple Cloud by M.P. Shiel.

The book was first published in 1901. The narrator (Adam Jeffson) was at the North Pole while a cloud of cyanogen gas had swept around the world, killing everything that breathes. Adam sails back from the North Pole. He finds other boats drifting around the sea, where all the crew are dead. He stops at a town in Norway. Everyone is dead. He returns to England. Everyone is dead.

For nearly twenty years, Adam wanders around the world looking for other survivors. Not surprisingly, he goes a little bit mad. I won't tell you if he finds anyone else, because that would be a spoiler.

The writing style is a bit like Edgar Allan Poe, so the language does get a bit flowery. It's not inaccuate to say The Purple Cloud has purple prose. I've read it quite a few times.


Great ! Thanks a lot,I really appreciate your suggestion,this book sounds like just what I'm looking for.If anyone else has a suggestion please let me know.


Many of the original Twilight Zone episodes explore that subject. I know the very first episode is about a man wandering around a town where everyone is gone. I think there are 3 or 4 similarly themed episodes in the first season alone. They really are fantastic as well.


Many of the original Twilight Zone episodes explore that subject. I know the very first episode is about a man wandering around a town where everyone is gone.

Time Enough At Last with Burgess Meridith.


My iMDB profile


That book was made into the Harry Belefonte film, The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959).


Moon. About a man alone on the moon but gets himself cloned by the computer while badly injured so the base dont go unmanned, but he survives, then there are two...


Great recommendation, however, you shouldn't spoil it...

Forget her, she's a predator posing as a house pet.


He didn't spoil the movie "Moon" silly goose. The entire story is about there being two of him on the station. How it goes from there is what you will want to watch it for. Geeze.


This is the IMDB ten-often... the place where you get called out for spoiling a movie just by mentioning the title!



Nice avatar.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing î‚•.



Sorry I spoiled 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' for you


When? Where?

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing î‚•.


... Really?


Thanks for being an ass.


Moon sucks. A mediocre Twilight Zone stretched to movie length. Heard great things, but was bored to ceath.


There's The Stand. There's also another movie I'm thinking of, but I can't recall the title, female lead, it will come to me.

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


Night of the Comet, that's the one I'm thinking of!

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


Robert MacCammon, "Swan Song."

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


The novel Emergence by David R. Palmer deals with this.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."


Perhaps you have schizoid personality disorder.

Hey, Soldier. Do you know who's in command here?


I guess everyone at some point daydreamed about being the only person on earth.

I would also recommend Stephen King's "The Stand", it's not exactly about a single person being alone, but it's one hell of a good book.


call of the wild.. a journey into wilderness by urself

1/10= Toxic
3= Disappointing
5= Ok
6= Recommended
8= Excellent!
10/10= Classic.


There is a one-shot comic book by Marvel that's called Hulk: The End that i think might interest you. Synopsis: The story follows the narrative of Bruce Banner and the Hulk following a war which ended in a violent nuclear holocaust that only he could have survived.
Banner begins the story, talking to a camera left by a robot Vidbot- a floating camera hovering at a constant distance of ten feet away from him- belonging to a Recorder that discovered Bruce when analysing Earth, leaving the Vidbot to record the final fate of the last human to confirm that humanity was gone from the universe.
While Banner is forced to drown in sorrow as the last human alive on Earth, wandering for years across the ruins of the old cities and remembering what he can of the world before, the Hulk (in his Rampaging Hulk form) is angry at Banner, in that with Banner he is still not alone in the World. The story is mainly fueled by the fact that Banner and the Hulk's desires, even at the end of the world, are still conflicted; whereas Hulk still stubbornly wishes to prove himself the strongest being on Earth, Banner merely wishes to die, attempting suicides that fail when he becomes the Hulk again.
