Best scene

I'm stuck in a glass case of emotion!

I think the best scene in the movie was the graveyard scene with all the fireworks. It was especially poignent when Kevin Costner and Sam Robbards looked back on top of the grave and it was reminiscent of a battle scene from a War (most likely Vietnam since that was the War they were talking about). With explosions and tracers from the fireworks it really helped keep the tone in the film about uncertainty and fate without overembellishing and pointing out the issues directly.

How about you fellow IMDb movie fan, what is your favorite scene and why?


just rewatched this - you're right that scene is fantastically poignant, not just in this film but but I think it was extremely well handled full stop (compared with other films).

Although the only reason I remembered this film at all was the scene of the front of the car being torn off...there's this expectant nervousness and then - nothing! I saw this when I was young and didn't see it coming at all (oh, naivety) and laughed my socks off.


Really the parachute scene, heck the whole thing. I first saw it 10 years ago on New Year's eve at a friends house. 10 year later, just this past weekend, showed it to some new friends.

Needless to say they loved the film.

Really just a very underrated and great film.



by tobin029 (Mon Nov 15 2004 03:53:09)
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I'm stuck in a glass case of emotion!

I think the best scene in the movie was the graveyard scene with all the fireworks. It was especially poignent when Kevin Costner and Sam Robbards looked back on top of the grave and it was reminiscent of a battle scene from a War (most likely Vietnam since that was the War they were talking about). With explosions and tracers from the fireworks it really helped keep the tone in the film about uncertainty and fate without overembellishing and pointing out the issues directly.

How about you fellow IMDb movie fan, what is your favorite scene and why?

The whole movie is outstanding. It really is a classic film. I'm surprised it's such mixed reaction from critics.
