The whole thing that Sophia went through was her own fault. that lady just offered her employment, did she have to be so nasty about it? True, the punishment was too much but she could have avoided all that by just saying "no" and walking away. I mean the lady did ask her nicely and i don't think she was meaning to disrespect her in anyway. Surely there must have been other women who were maids back then. It's not like she was walking around with a P.H.D. She was a single black mother with three kids in the south in the 1920's or 40's what other job offer was she thinking that she was going to get?
Of course it was her fault as far as actions bringing about consequences are concerned. And so, it was Millie's fault that she got the response she did (she talked to Sophia's kids like they were puppies o.O lol) and the mayor's fault that he got knocked out since he didn't have to slap her. I'm surprised Sophia didn't KO the lady that called her a "black slut." >,<
Sophia didn't have to say what she did, but she did because she wanted to. That being the case, however, she did quickly realize it wasn't worth it (you could tell that by how she panicked and started freaking out when she was surrounded). And of course, even she made clear at the dinner table that it wasn't worth what she had to give up and go through. I think she wanted her children taken home lest the crazy people surrounding her get the bright idea to do something to them, they get hurt in the scuffle or somehow taken.
The idea of limited job opportunities didn't seem to be an issue. Sophia didn't look like she needed the job and had been fine off living with family as she told Harpo's dad. But maybe that was part of it too - trying to fight against the idea that she's worse off than she is (like when Albert started talking about her having no place to live and wanting to pull one over Harpo. She had to correct his assumptions and likely had to do a lot of that).
On the other hand, Sophia and Celie seemed be at least one foil that added a type of commentary on religion, since Sophia says it's after Celie helped her in the store that she came to know there's a God. Whereas, Celie always had that faith, was always talking to God, and was looking to heaven. That seemed to really shape her character's actions. And as she told Celie, "What you oughta do is bash Mister's head open and think 'bout Heaven later." That's just Sophia. She didn't want to live life taking crap from anyone so she didn't until she had absolutely no choice but to (in jail and as Millie's maid), probably because it was the only way she'd be able to see her family again.
I understand why Sophia felt and said what she did, especially after hearing that she grew up in a family of men (and likely had to fight issues with not only beating but sexual harassment, rape, and being given away like cattle, if her life was anything like Celie's). But in the end, I don't know how Celie could say Sophia wouldn't have gotten in that trouble had Harpo not tried to rule over her.... when Celie was the one who told him to beat her (only once, I know). I also found it interesting that Sophia actually called out for help from the officer that came and hit her with his gun. I had to wonder what she honestly thought he was going to do... lol.
Sophia is one of my favorite characters in this movie. As she said after the first time Harpo hit her, she had had to fight off men in her own family all her life. She wasn't going to take abuse from anybody. She saw that lady's attitudes as patronizing and demeaning, which they were. You have to realize black people at that time had to accept so much abuse and smother their feelings that for some who were fed up it was worth it to say exactly what they needed to say, even if the end, they were punished for it. I think Sophia's reaction was the same as that of of any human being who just can't bear being talked down to one second more.
"..sure you won't change your mind? Why, is there something wrong with the one I have?"
I don't argue that Sofia brings some of her trials on herself, but it is at least partly the result of a childhood in which she had to fight all the males in her family ("Girl child ain't safe in a family o' mens," Sofia tells Celie after discovering that the latter had advised Harpo to beat her) and her own naturally volatile personality.
The mayor's wife, an unpleasant woman who plays at Lady Bountiful where "the coloreds" are concerned but who shows her own ugly colors soon enough, not only asks Sofia if Sofia wants to be her maid, which assumes that Sofia is looking for work in the first place, but she has to throw in the line "Your children are so clean," a clear signal that cleanliness is something unusual in children, Black people, Black children, you name it.
"Hell no" was rude, to be sure, but the Mayor used it as an excuse to lay his hands on her and we had already seen Sofia react to Squeak's slap earlier in the juke joint. And a prison term of "many years" (to quote Celie) plus indentured servitude to the odious woman for at least another eight years is cruel and unusual punishment for a single punch, particularly since it was the mayor who struck first.
Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem! ><
Why do so many people want to defend Sofia...We have jails to put people who can't follow the rules of society. She new what she was doing was wrong ..She did it anyway.. She wasn't going boo hoo I had a sh!ty life im not gonna take it anymore.It wasn't her first time around rich white people..She really regretted that... Looks like jail changed her demeanor a bit..No more "Ill do what the hell I want to do."
You seem to overlook the fact that a) the Mayor struck first; b) the Sheriff, upon arriving, cold-cocked her with his gun when she was the one being threatened by the angry crowd, and c) by the time they bring her into the jailhouse, though it is not shown she has obviously been worked over. Under the circumstances if that happened today Sofia MIGHT go to jail, but so would the Mayor and the Sheriff at the very least.
Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem! roflol ><
So if some stranger says to you" your children are clean", or something else that can be seen as prejudice you would just take it?
Sophia couldn't take it , so all she did was to say hell no. As the post above so brilliantly posts it, she wasn't actually first to strike. It was after she said "hell no" they all gathered around her, and she struck back to defend herself. Because she wouldn't take it.
"Being nice"? There's nothing nice about saying you children are so clean.
So your try'n to say Sophia had no idea rich white people arn't going to put up with some uppity im not going to take it no more additude ??She new her husband,daddy,and all the other black men in this movie weren't having it ...No way rich white people on a public street are going to put up with it...She should have kept her mouth shut..OOOHHHH Lawd dare aint no way she could have done that "Sophia couldn't take it" "Sophia couldn't take it" "Sophia couldn't take it" Shes lucky she didn't end up hanging from a tree.. I was abused for a large part of my life .So now if I feel in anyway Ive been wronged. I do whatever I feel like..Jail's not that bad..Hey Its really not my fault.. I was abused! My people been persecuted!!! I guess other blacks could take it..Other people in general tooo..Even today .You want to buck the system you will end up in jail.. Hey here's 1 better .I cant take it no more im going to school to kill random people then myself because I can't take it anymore ... Hey I been abused . Its not my fault I molest little boys and girls .I just couldn't "take it any more"
Sophia new it was wrong and did it any way...Please tell me again ..Hows it not her fault????? Please reread "Sophia new it was wrong and did it any way." Again.Hows it not her fault???? 8 years in jail didn't let Rosa Parks sit in the front of the bus.Rosa Parks didn't do a month in jail.
"So if some stranger says to you" your children are clean", or something else that can be seen as prejudice you would just take it?"
jajceboy are you a moron?? im sure you'd JUST TAKE 8 years cause someone hurt your feelings.Maybe end up dead.Is this you?? Ya im so crazy that when I hear someone say something I don't like .I cus them out..I cant wait to get in a fist fight with them..Fug the dumb sh!t..Im "street" str8 up hardass thug.. YO YO I dare you to offer me a fat ass job were I don't have to do jack and get paid mo money than any other n!gga on the block!!! Watch some more Gangeland play some more Grand Theft Auto.. Talk some more sh!t on the IMDB boards... Take a ass whoopin in front of your kids and go to jail..Your kids will be soo proud..My mama in jail she don't take no sh!t from nobody..What a JOKE She stood up for my rights..To be brought up with no mama ..My mama could care less about a good job..Im gonna end up in jail anyway .Or."Strange fruit"
Chill with the ghetto attitude! There's no need to take it personally.
I never said I would do the same as Sophia. That's not the issue. The issue is Sophia.
If you have watched you would know that Sophia was a very impulsive person. She did things first and then thought about the consequences. When someone said or did anything to upset her she had a fist fight becasue that was the only way she knew how to defend herself. She didn't know any other ways.
And again I repeat: She didn't start to fight until the crowd gathered up around her. She did say to her "hell no", which then started the whole mess. So in order to defend herself from the angry crowd, she had to fight because that's the only way she knew how to.
So no, it wasn't entirely her fault. It was the crowd who started it by gathering around her like she was a criminal when the only thing she did was to talk back!
Sophia tried to "cuss her off" as you put it. But it didn't work so she had to try something else. Are you saying she would just take it, happily smile, say yes and then go on as if nothing happened? That would be accepting prejudice and racism, and that's not what the film is about.
I wouldn't take it either! Why should I? Should I just accept when people say prejudice things? I wouldn't perhaps fight her unless she gave me reason to. I would cuss her off. Or lecture her. But if that didn't work then yes I fight to if I have to.
"I wouldn't take it either! Why should I? Should I just accept when people say prejudice things?"
Sometimes in life you just have to take it...Im sorry but that's just the way the world works..I guess if you don't mind jail all that much..Do what ever. Society has rules ..If someone hurts your feelings,takes your parking place,say's How clean your kids are,offers you the best job you'll ever get..Hey do what ever.I guess in the end its all about you.. Tell me for real.. You'd go to jail because someone said something you didn't like and maybe get lynched ...In front of your kids no less...If so..I guess you don't really care about yourself or your kids ..
Its Sophia's own fault ..She had a choice.Regardless ...
Hey have fun..Its just the way I look at.. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings ..Im being sincere.
I don't believe in violence either. I think you can solve anything by diplomatic measures, like talking or telling them of. But if it don't work, as in the case with Sophia, you have to take a different approach. Even if it costs you your freedom.
You should never accept prejudice or other injustices. Either you tell them personally or do something else, like reporting it to someone.
You should never accept prejudice or other injustices. Either you tell them personally or do something else, like reporting it to someone. ______________________________________________________ Maybe today in most parts of the world, but not in an era when a colored person could end up hanging from a tree in front of her family. When you are living in a reality that you may have no control over, acceptance is sometimes the only option\choice. Playing the victim is not always going to cut it.
jaceboy, you stated earlier about Sophia acting out on impulse before considering the consequences. If she wasn't aware enough to think of the consequence before reacting in this situation—I don't believe that Sophia was that unaware—then the issue isn't so much about racial prejudice, but more of a personal issue regarding Sophia and how she chose to react. She got badly stung by her own doing.
Miss Millie was an idiot and Sophia would have known this. There are many stupid beings in influential positions around the world and it can appear unjust, cruel and unfair; but that is the way things are sometimes. Sophia did not react the way she did to be a martyr to the cause, she did it fighting for her own personal integrity; but you have got to choose your moments, or one can end up looking like the stupid twits that Miss Mille and the Mayor already were.
You should never accept prejudice or other injustices. Either you tell them personally or do something else, like reporting it to someone.
And just who do you think you would have reported this to that would have given a damn about you or your damn report. The only thing a report would have done back then is caused more trouble for you and your whole family. You just proved the OP's point that some of you fail to realize the time and era of this movie. This was not a game or a fairy tale. Lynchings and brutal attacks did actually happen and for much less that what Sophia did.
Te un secreto, realmente yo no hablo mucho espanol pero no les digas que. reply share
As the post above so brilliantly posts it, she wasn't actually first to strike.
What's so brilliant about that? If you've seen this movie at least once in your life then it shouldn't take a genius to figure that out. Anyway, nobody is disputing the fact that Sofia was hit first but why was she hit, for making a illogical decision. Was it avoidable? Completely.
I remember hearing a story about a black man who had taken a train ride in the 1930's and when he exited the train a white passenger approached him and said "get my luggage, boy" and tossed him a coin. He said he didn't get upset and he never told that white man that he didn't work for the train company. Instead he took the coin and bought a sandwich, leaving the man's luggage there. He laughingly joked about how the man's luggage is probably still there today and that black man was a doctor. So why would Sofia get so darn hostile when she probably had no education?
Te un secreto, realmente yo no hablo mucho espanol pero no les digas que. reply share
I couldn't believe Sophia reacted that way to Miss Millie. Yes Miss Millie was a serious bitch & condescending as hell, but you're a black woman in that time frame and you DO THAT?! My best friend & I were watching this on network TV one day (he is black) said "Ohh man that was stupid!" when Sophia did that. I agree. She had EVERY right to be ticked off, but seriously.
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus." "Didn't he discover America?" "Penfold, shush."
Like I have said before, for all of you people who say that you would have done the same, it's not too late to exercise your freedom of speech. Tonight, or any night in the near future, why don't you walk thru the most drug, and gang infested area in your city alone and unarmed, wearing your most expensive jewelry with the wrong color clothes? If a group of thugs approach you then take the same attitude as Sofia and stand up for your rights. Tell those thugs that you have the right to be in their neighborhood. If they try to rob you, tell them "hell no" and tell them all about your constitutional rights as an American citizen then conclude your encounter by throwing up a rival's gang sign. See what your freedom of speech will get you. If you decide not to do so then whatever reason or excuse you have should have been the same reason Sofia should have had to simply say "no" and walk away. If you decide to do so (which I doubt) and make it out alive (which I doubt), then let me know how that works out for you.
Good Point. Maybe they were stupid enough to try it and never made it back to tell the story..
i'm looking at this post again after a few yrs-reading new responses, still getting offended. wow. it's 2013. & ppl still have that attitude about blks "staying in their place." smh.
STFU racist C**ker trash! Obviously there were MANY black people rising up against oppression! You think whites just had a "change of heart"???? Black people had that "We're not gonna take it attitude"! White trash like you wish you would make the Harriet Tubmans and Frederick Douglas kneel before you! White filth!
The way that white lady spoke to Sophia daughter was disgusting. She was talking to her daughter like she was a dog, 'oh you're so clean, you wanna come with me'. Its black woman like Sophia and Rosa Parks who stood up for themselves and changed history. They didn't just bite their tongue every second to please the people around them. If that was the case then slavery and desegregation would of never ended.
However, Sophia been through some real abuse so she had anger issues like no other. I'm dealing with raging anger right now from my abusive past and I have learned to stop reacting so aggressively. Sometimes when you have had a rough past, you act overly aggressive. It happens... I think her react was normal and I think it is the react most people would have had especially now that its 2014. But because it was in the past it would of been wise to be polite and just walk away. But, like I said, if everyone was to act that way then history would of never changed.
Nope. I'm a realist and I tend to use my brain, instead of my emotions, especially in dangerous and potentially life altering situations.
She was talking to her daughter like she was a dog, 'oh you're so clean, you wanna come with me'.
Really? I didn't see that part. In fact, I don't think Miss Milly addressed the kids at all, in that scene.
Its black woman like Sophia and Rosa Parks who stood up for themselves and changed history. They didn't just bite their tongue every second to please the people around them. If that was the case then slavery and desegregation would of never ended.
Who's history did Sofia's actions change, except her own? When Rosa Parks was told to give up her seat, I doubt if she responded with "Hell Naw!".
They didn't just bite their tongue every second to please the people around them.
I don't expect anyone to bite their tongue to please anyone but everything doesn't have to be a battle. The lady asked Sofia a simple question and all she had to do was say "no". What good did saying "Hell Naw" accomplish? Nothing but a good ass whopping and 8 years of prison.
If that was the case then slavery and desegregation would of never ended.
Do you really think that slavery and desegregation ended because of people like Sofia, doing what Sofia did? If so, then you are terribly mistaken and need to brush up on your black history, particularly The Abolitionist and Civil Rights Movements.
I think her react was normal and I think it is the react most people would have had especially now that its 2014.
Exactly. That's my point. That scene was not suppose to be in 2014. That was suppose to be in the 1930's, I think. People, today, can fantasize about what they would have done, back then but chances are they wouldn't have responded like Sofia did and if they had, they would have been extremely foolish.
That all sounded like complete bull crap. Just because your a "realist" doesn't mean you're smarter or better than anyone else and it sure in hell doesn't mean your life or your opinions are better than someone who is not a realist. I see now that you are one of those narrow minded people who just want to believe what you believe and not see other people views. Why even post on this thread if your not willing to understand other people point of view.
And of course it was people like sophia who helped put an end to slavery. Lmfao. We had a civil war, did you not remember that? People died for their freedom which is a much worst fate than sophias. There were people like harriet tubman who put her own life in danger to save hundreds of slaves in slavery. If a slave got scared and try to go back she would kill that person so they wouldn't risk the safety of others. So many people risk there lives for what THEY felt was right.
I put a reference about 2014 so you could see that people who lived in the past and people that are living now are not much different. Every generation wants to be treated equal with respect. Every generation is filled with people who want to speak their minds and have opinions of their own. Sophia actions were not strange at all, they were natural and very normal feelings whether it be in the 1800's the 1900's or even the 2000's. Just because you would sit back and let someone degrade you doesn't mean that other people are the same way.
Look, I know my history. I went to an all black school where they drilled us with hundreds of stories about slavery and desegregation. I don't need whatever color you are to tell me to brush up on my history. I know what I am taking about.
I can see that you sliced up my comment and only wrote to what you could argue about and made it seem like I wrote something that I did not. My comment entirely makes a ton of sense.
So be it!
Believe whatever you want to believe because its your life and it will only affect you. But I choose a life of understanding and so I stand by my comment.
Blah, Blah, Blah asprettyasme or whatever, You can call me whatever names you want (e.g., marrow-minded, ignorant, etc.,) but the fact remains that what Sofia did was stupid. I am a realist and I don't rely on fantasies to give me a false since of security. I only deal with reality and the reality is that most of these posters would not have done what Sofia did and the few that would, are just as dumb, stupid and foolish as she was. An old white woman politely offering a job as a maid is not that detrimental and harmful to my ego, neither does her incorrect assumption of me matter enough to set me off and certainly not important enough that I would take an ass beating, a disfigurement for life and thrown in jail for. Then after all was said and done, she was left with a permanent bodily injury, a disfigured face, emotionally and mentally scared and the same job that landed her in that position in the first place. Nope, sorry, I happen to have more sense that that.
Why even post on this thread if your not willing to understand other people point of view?
You sound like a damn fool. You do realize that you are posting on a thread that I created, right? So why would you reply to my thread if you are not willing to understand my view? Am I not suppose to comment on my own thread because you don't agree with me? Do you see how foolish you look? I'm not going to retreat and change my mind because a few posters disagree with me. I do have a mind of my own and I wouldn't give a damn if Rosa Parks, herself, disagreed with me. Your Opinions are no better than mine so either deal with it or keep it moving to a thread that you do agree with because you may be entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to mine, sweetie.
For all of your insults and rants, you and almost everybody else conveniently overlooked my request and that is... why don't you take a stand and use your freedom of speech and constitutional rights, right now? It's not too late. Tonight, why don't you go to the most drug and gang infested area in your city, where nobody knows you, wearing all of your jewelry and expensive purse and shoes? Walk down the street, unarmed, with your kids and when a group of gang members asked you what you're doing in their neighborhood, tell them all about your civil rights and freedom. When one tries to rob you, tell them "hell naw". Then see what your freedom of speech will get you. If you decide not to do this, then whatever reason you have is the same reason Sofia should have had for not saying "hell no". If you do decide to do this (which I doubt) and make it out alive (which I doubt) then come back and let us know how that worked out for you. Until you can do this, I'm going to assume that you are just a hypocrite, who likes to fantasize and run her mouth.
yes this is the 30s that this movie takes place. but no, all blks didn't bow down & fear whites. every decade had at least 1 person that had guts & wouldn't take it. the mayor should have been ashamed of himself for slapping a woman anyway. some ppl, you can say what u want to them, but the minute u put ur hands on them it's all over, Sofia showed us that. hahahaaaaaa
If we were talking about 2014, then yes, it would have been very disrespectful of her to ask but you can't apply 2014 standards to a 1930's situation. In 1930's, the mayor's wife offering an average black woman a job as a maid, may have been ignorant on her part but not condescending. It's obvious from her reaction and facial expressions, that Miss Milly didn't mean to insult or disrespect Sofia. From Miss Millie's stand point, she most likely thought that she was giving Sofia a compliment and thought that Sofia would jump at the opportunity. Keep in mind that this is only a couple of generations away from slavery. A lot of blacks were maids and sharecroppers at that time. When slavery ended, it's not like all the ex slaves had a pension or retirement fund and tuition reimbursement. A lot of the slaves stayed on the plantation, doing whatever they did before the war because that was all they knew how to do. Some of them thought that they were put here to serve and they past that mentality down to their kids and grandkids. A black maid was more common to see than a black business and land owner. Also, by Miss Milly being a mayor's wife, especially in the south, she most likely grew up with black maids and blacks in other service positions. Since that was a very common way of life for her, she most likely didn't see her gesture as an insult to Sofia.
Sofia should have simply said "No" and walked away because she was obviously not ready for the battle that ensued and if this were real, she would probably be the first one to admit it.
You may be entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to mine. Arimas, Samira
Oh btw, if you never had an abusive life or even a hard life where every day was a fight and everything was a battle then you will never understand Sophia character. The writers made Sophia character very realistic. Everyone in life is going through their own battles/trials and tribulations and its already a challenge in this day and age so I could only imagine how much of a challenge it would of been to be going through it in desegregation time and slavery time. There are day you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, there are women who have raging hormones and have bad pms. You think that didn't exist doing slavery time? You think those emotions are only for this generation? Absolutely not. That lady caught Sophia on a bad day and it is very understandable.
Sometimes you get tired of being treated poorly. One day you will come to a point in your life where you will say, enough is enough! That lady was technically being polite but at the exact same time she wasn't. It WAS degrading and if you look up abuse its a form of abuse as well. Sophia managed to make it into adult hood without getting locked up so she obviously didn't act like that all the time. I believe it might of been ptsd that triggered her anger and made her remember things from her past that sent her spiraling out of control. That type of diagnose is sometimes out of that person control. Now-a-days we have therapy and medicine that help people deal with this problem but back then people had nothing.
Since you told me to brush up on my history then maybe you should brush up on abuse and what people go through and how people act when they have suffered years of abuse. Then Sophia character will make much more sense to you. Yes, it would of been smart for her to be polite and not make a scene, I never said I disagreed with that but what she was dealing with internally was much bigger than we know and could of been one of the reasons why she didn't or why she COULDN'T react rational.
In those times in the deep south, a black person could have been lynched for less as a warning to other black people at that time...Sophia was too damn prideful and she didn't see that no good would come from smarting off to white people! As far as the mayors wife is concerned Sophia could've said no subtlety without offending the white people and still kept her freedom!
Like I said before, go to the worst neighborhood in your home city and pull that crap that Sofia pulled, with a couple of gang members, who are looking to rob your stupid ass. It's funny that all of you big, bad, internet warriors completely ignore this suggestion.
You may be entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to mine. Arimas, Samira
your comment is irrelevant to the situation in The color Purple. What the *beep* do gang members have to do with this thread? If you are trying to make an analogy, it's a horrible analogy.
What makes that analogy horrible? Is it because you say so or is it because you just don't get it yourself? You must be extremely slow. SMDH...use your commonsense. you even have commonsense or are you one of those people who needs a calculator to tell you that 2 and 2 equals 4?
And my home city is New York City and the gang crap you to which you allude has never happened to me in NYC. And no I am not wealthy so I am do not have blinders on as far a gang activity goes. But not the case for me
What are you talking about? Nobody ever said that anything has happened to you yet. Can you even read or are you trying to say that you've never heard of or known of any gang activity in New York? What was implied is that, regardless of how tough or how courageous some of you pretend to be, most of you wouldn't use the same attitude and stance that Sofia took and applied it to present day issues and if you did, you would be just as stupid as she was. That's simple enough for me.
All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system. reply share