Outdated or Unfunny??

Just watched this for the first time last night. Had high hopes for it but didn't laugh once. Actually, I did laugh once, at the beginning when Montgomery said "How can I concentrate when there's a god damn train going through the outfield?"

I feel that the movie portrayed what a real person would do in that situation. There was really no comedy to the story or to the acting, other than people thinking Montgomery was nuts (which was humorous for about 3 minutes). Even John Candy, who is usually very funny, really had no funny bits in the film, and couldn't really "flex his muscles" with the role he was given. Seems almost like a waste of time for two of the top comedians of 1985.

I'm guessing this was considered funnier back in the 80s. I feel like the comedy of today has a totally different edge to it, and I guess I've gotten lost in it.

Does anyone really think this is a laugh-out-loud funny movie, or just more of a humorous situation?


I've seen this film once a long time ago I remember enjoying it although not finding laugh out loud funny, but it does have a quote that I enjoy to use whenever there'a political election between 2 candidates I don't support I go "None of the above", love that line.


Yeah, I didn't find this movie the slightest bit funny either.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I don't think this movie has punchlines or zingers, so it's more of a whacky roller coast ride story-type.

I found it funny when the photographer tells him that his job isn't to interpret reality.

I found it funny when the taxi driver says "America, what a country".

I found it funny when the posh guy in the hotel suddenly changes his mind with the big offer of money.

I found it funny how the guy who hits him plays along and gets a check, waving as he gets back in his car.

As for it being outdated, I enjoy seeing 1980s America, especially new york city.


I'm responding to a 9 year old post. #imdb
But yeah, I didn't laugh a single time.
I can also say the same thing about the first Pryor/Wilder movie.
Even Chris Rock admits that Pryor just made sh-- movies.
