MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Just came up with this theory...

Just came up with this theory...

Is Allison meant to be Bender's sister? I kept thinking throughout the whole film that they were related and that it would be revealed near the end or something. There are so many little touches that suggest this, I'm not even sure they weren't (except for the full names of course...). There are several little hints at this in my opinion.

- When she first squeaks, it's Bender who says "She doesn't talk Sir." Like he knows her, despite her 'loner' status.
- They are both quite dysfunctional and troubled, though in different ways.
- It would make sense given Bender's description of his family life that Allison would be quiet and withdrawn, just wanting to stay out of the way of her parents.
- She doesn't seem particularly shocked by Bender's depiction of family life either.
- In fact when asked about her parents she says "they ignore me", perhaps because Bender is their focus of abuse.
- When Bender tosses her a can of coke, she catches it without barely batting an eye. This is a really strong point, as it implies a routine which they are both very familiar with. This is VERY typical sibling behaviour, or close friends, but again given her loner status being friends seems quite unlikely.
- At the very beginning, Bender cockily walks in front of a car without looking, that Allison then gets out of. Though it's possible he would do this to a stranger's car, it makes more sense it's their parents and an act of defiance on his part, knowing his mother wouldn't cause a scene outside the school, even on a Saturday.
- Though a 'compulsive liar', her reason for being there (having nothing better to do) makes a little more sense if Bender is her brother. People have speculated elsewhere that Bender deliberately gets Saturday detentions because he would rather be there than with his abusive parents, the same could be true for her. Also it's possible she's just there to keep an eye on him. There are several times during his antics she seems about to step in as if to say "enough!" and rein him in, though of course she never does.
- Bender always rips on the other three kids, but NEVER rips on Allison. Why?
- Bender is constantly hitting on Claire, despite his resentment of her, but doesn't so much as give Allison a second look. Again, why?
- In the scene where they all sit in a semi-circle, Allison joins Bender in goading Claire about her sexuality. Again this scene makes it seem like they are familiar with each other.
- When Bender goes to his locker for pot, Allison seems genuinely shocked, though nothing much seems to shock her. It seems out of character for this to shock her, unless she knows Bender well enough to be surprised by his drug use.
- When Bender goes to smoke, Allison is the only one who doesn't join him. This is perhaps because she is still shocked and doesn't want to encourage him? (Actually not sure on this one, but it's still another telling clue).
- When Allison says she's a nymphomaniac, Bender doesn't react in the way he might be expected to react. This could well be because he knows better, and is used to her stories.
- Twice in the film Allison is seen randomly taking something, and on both occasions they are Bender's things, his knife and his padlock. It's odd that Bender doesn't seem to notice or care about Allison taking his knife, perhaps because he knows he can get it back off her later.

I've just totally convinced myself in writing this post and finding more and more links that they were written as brother and sister. I would love to hear some feedback on what you guys think!!

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if the letters Q and R were eliminated.


Good stuff! But I don't buy it.

Bender never rips Allison because they are both outcasts and he has no reason to attack her. When I was in high school, I graduated 1992, the jocks used to rip on people like him. There was a clique of guys like him in my high school who all had long hair, wore dock martins and sang in group. They were constantly made fun of my the jocks. I am sure Andy and his friends made fun of him. The hot/popular girls clique also laughed at people like him never gave them the time of day. So Bender had a lot of built up hate towards the popular jock and attractive rich girl. Why does he go after Brain? Well one irony I always found in high school was despite the outcast/rebel clique getting made fun of and not really liking it, they had no problem making fun of the nerds. They were an easy target and they often made fun of them to make themselves feel better about their high school situation.




Bender reacted differently to everybody there.


