The Gummi family relations?

How are all related? Sure the kids are brother and sister but is the fat guy their father or the one with green hat and yellow shirt or the magician? and is the women bear their mother?


My guess is that they arent related, they just live together. I dont think it was ever known exactely. Sure each character had a role, like Cubbi and Sunni acted and fought like brother and sister, but I dont think they were. Grammy was the motherly one but was too old to be the mother. Zummi was like a grampa. Gruffi was more of an uncle type character along with Tummi and Gusto. But I'm pretty sure none of them were married, related or anything like that.


I don't think there were any familial relationships between the Gummies. The back story was the Gummis had once been pleantiful in Dunwin and had lived in harmony with humans. However, for some reason their relationship with the humans turned sour and many Gummis were killed or simply left Dunwin. The Gummis went into hiding and after many years were completely forgotten by humans. Over the years more and more Gummis left Dunwin until the six origional Gummis from the show were the only ones remaining in Dunwin (Gusto was added later). I'm not 100% sure if this is true but for some reason I was under the impression that when the show began they had just recently rediscovered Gummi Glen and The Great Book.


perhaps gruffi and grammi are married (since they like to argue) and zummi is the old guy and tummi, sunni, and cubbi are grammi and gruffi's kids.


Sunni and Cubbi must surely be the children of Grammi. But Gruffi their father noway,


tummi is the father.



tummi can't get it up.

Four is five and five is eight and six is twelve


Well, in my opinion stated, though
I am not sure, Gruffi and Grammi are the
mother and father of Cubbi and Sunni.
Zummi is the grandfather of Cubbi and
Sunni and the father of Gruffi and Grammi.
Cubbi and Sunni are brother and sister.
Tummi is the uncle to the cousin and niece of Cubbi and Sunni, and brother of Zummi.
Gusto is their neighbor and the nephew of Gruffi though living with them.
Gruffi and Grammi are married,
although they bicker each other
at some point, but they have their
effectioned love for each other,
and their children, Cubbi and Sunni.


No way, Grammi was too old to be Sunni and Cubbi's mother or to be Gruffi's wife. I supose she could be Tummi's mother but if that were the case I would think he would have called her mom instead of Grammi. Honestly, I think Disney just came up with the six characters and decided to make three of them children and didn't give any thought to who their parents were or why they were no longer present. I'm sure this is all covered in some fanfic somewhere considering that the content of most Gummi Bear fanfics is much more serious than the actual show.


I think Gruffi might have been Grammi's son.


None of them were related. I forget how it is told, but somewhere in the series it makes it clear that none of them are related via blood.

Then rang the bells both loud and deep. God is not dead nor doth he sleep. ~Mr. Dark


But in the episode "Wings over Dunwyn" Grammi was saved by a baby Zephyr bird she had taken care of since the parents were captured by Duke Igthorn. Grammi was falling off a cliff and in the last second she was rescued by the baby bird, who was flying for the first time in its life. Grammi said the following:

"I haven't felt this proud since Cubby took his first baby steps"

This implies that she was present, in some way, at Cubbi's birth and has taken care of him his whole life. It is quite possible she is the mother of Cubbi. If not in the biological way, then at least for all intents and purposes.

Star Wars Crusader. "The Force: An elegant weapon for more civilized sentients"


There could be some truth to that. My understanding of the back story was that Gummi Glen used to be heavily populated but most of the Glen Gummis had been killed of driven away by renagade humans (possibly Duke Igthorn). However, a handfull of Gummies agreed to stay behind and look after the Glen until the Great Gummis returned from across the sea. Therefore, I would guess that Cubbi, Sunni and Tummi were orphans who Grammi looked after. Untimatly Grammi elected to remain at Gummi Glen and therefore so did the children. So while I don't think there is any biological relationship she probably was effectivly their mother.

Interestingly, when the Barbic child, Buddi was introduced he didn't seem to have any parents either. So maybe the Gummis had taken a page from the book of Hillary Clinton and Gummi cubs were raised by the community as a whole with little reguard for who the biological parents were.


That could very well be it. However, the suggestion of Igthorn killing off some gummis at the glen before we see them in the first episode isn't valid. The biggest fact against that is in the very first episode.

An ogre has fallen from the sky onto Dukie, and when he asked how this could be the ogre answered that the gummi bears brougth a drink to a boy, who then threw him with great strenght (not so elaborate thought, lol). Igthorn reacted by exploding: "A GUMMI BEAR!? What kind of fool do you take me for?"

This must mean that he too thinks they are fairy tales at this point, thus he can't have been behind whatever happened to the other gummis living at the Glen. But I can agree that people that were not very unlike Iggy were behind their disappearence.

Personally, though, I think that humans would try to catch gummis rather than destroy them. This because everyone knew at the time that Gummi bears were in posession of great secrets and powerful magic. Not to mention treasures of great measure (though I think they weren't extraordinary rich in money and tokens. This was only the humans belief).

By the way, what would you think would happen if the whole kingdom of Dunwyn found out about the existense of Gummi bears? Or what if just the King found out?

Star Wars Crusader. "The Force: An elegant weapon for more civilized sentients"


Ok first off I just want to state that we are greatly overanalysing a childrens' cartoon. None the less, I will play along.

As to humans wanting to capture Gummis for their magic and secrets that would probably be true is some cases. However, mideval times being what they were some people would probably equate Gummi magic with witchcraft and therefore see Gummis as something that was evil, unnatural and that must be destroyed. Moreover, the fate of any gummi captured by a person who was after their secrets would untimatly not be good.

King Greggor being the archetype of the benevolent king would likely judge the Gummis on their merrits as opposed to their appearance, use of magic etc and would ultimatly accept them with open arms. If they chose to remain hidden then he would likely respect their secret and take covert measures to protect them from Duke Igthorn. If they chose to go public he would likely give them equal rights with humans and issue laws prohibbiting anyone from harming Gummi Bears in any way. He would do this simply because these are the sort of things that benevolent kings do (unfortunalty benevolent kings are just as fictional as Gummi Bears).

If the entire kingdom found out about them then I'm sure there would be mixed reactions. Some would accept and befriend them while others would fear and shun them. Still others would get greedy and try to exploit them for their secrets and magic. So basically they would be received the way any human society receives something that is new and unknown


Gummi Bears are not fictional!


"Yeah, they're real! They're in our hearts, dude!"

Star Wars Crusader. "The Force: An elegant weapon for more civilized sentients"


Ok, I'm offically getting off this train. See ya.


All the people are right who replied that none of them are related. Grammi does of course take care of them like they're her own, though.


Ok -

So I've seen plenty of these episodes and remember them like the back of my hand.

First off - the names do not represent physical description - nor a "nickname." If you remember...

Grammi mentiones that someday Sunni will make a fine Grammi some day....
"Hi I'm Agustus Gummi! Gusto for short."
Cubbi - a descriptive name of what he is...
Zummi - posibly a given name?
Sir Thornberry - Very much a family name.
Chummi Gummi (the one that flies in) - Obviously a "nickname."

So I can surmise as thus...

Bears are given proper names (First and Last)
Sometimes nicknames superscede these names
Sometimes a position name becomes the name of the bear.

As far as relations...

First off - its possible that Gummi's live for a VERY long time. Its been said the Great Gummies left a thousand years ago yet there are comments all the time about the Great Gummies.

"Think of seeing all of our Gummi cousins." Refering to those who left before. Meaning - it's possible that they are only second generation (Parents siblings left when the Great Gummies left but they stayed).

Sir Thornberry is a Knight. If I remember right, only the Great Gummi's can create Knights (and they left a LONG time ago).

So if they live a long time (and are isolationists) then you can take it for granted that the "reproduction rate" is not high. Else why aren't there more running around? Remember - Igthorn thought they were myths. Therefore we can take it for granted that none of the bears died in battle - so therefore of old age. Yet why are there not more gummies?

Yah yah - its a cartoon...

But if we take it that there are a limited number of them - and they live a long time - it's POSSIBLE the gummi's in the glen are only two or three generations removed from the Great Gummi's who left. (The children of - or the grandchildren of those who stayed behind).

"We're all thats left of the gummi's who stayed behind"
Is one quote I remember. Meaning - where they "kids" when the greats left? Or the children of those who left?

My conclusion is that....They live a VERY long time - possibly 600 or so years (if the estimate of 1000 years is off - the range of decay found in the Great Library of Ursalia seems to sugest that might be the case) - and therefore - those that are left - are the children of those who originaly stayed behind (ie second generation - possibly third generation). Sir Thornberry being the exception - he could easily be of the same age as the Greats (he also knows all the secrets of Ursalia and how to operate the Scope to send messages. The others had to discover theirs all over again.

But I digress...

I would say....Zummi and Grammy are brother and sister. They mention playing together as kids (much like Sunny and Cubby)
Gruffy is the older brother for Tummy (he's always watching over him).
Sunny and Cubby are brother and sister.

I would put it like this...

Year 0 - Great Gummies Left. Sir Thornberry Knighted (possibly for his continued service to stay behind - age - 100?)

This would put ages at....

Sir Thornberry - 1100 years (Venerable age - lets say few ever live that long)
Zummy - 800 (Old Age)
Grammy - 750 (Verging on Old Age)
Gruffy - 500 (Nearing Middle Age)
Tummy - 400 (Just Adult)
Sunny - 250 (Juvenile)
Cubby - 200 (Child)

Parents Set 1 - Zummy / Grammy (Born 500 years Prior to GG Leaving)
Parents Set 2 - Gruffy / Tummy (Born 200 years prior to GG leaving)
Parents Set 3 - Sunny / Cubby (Born 100 years prior to GG leaving)

So death dates of these parents from old age...

Set 1 - 500 years after GG leaving. (Middle aged at that time)
Set 2 - 700 years after GG leaving. (Juveniles at that time)
Set 3 - 900 years after GG leaving. (Children / Babies at that time)

So this also answers another question - how come there arent any new generations?


Age differences in parents - and relationships.

Grammy and Zummi can't have kids (brother sister)
No suitable girl for Gruffi - no kids.
Sunny / Cubby to young - and related.

One other thought - if I remember right they mentioned once that those that lived in the Glens were closely related. It's possible that when anyone chose a mate they went to other Glens. But - that isnt suposed to happen as they are caretakers. If they leave - who's going to take care of the Glen?

Anyway - as you can tell I've thought about this for the last - oh I dont know - 11 years or so - since I was little LOL.


I think you've put much more thougth into this than the creators of the show ever did. Honestly, I think the truth of the matter is that the creators came up with six common archetypes that children tend to respond to and made characters based on these archeypes and in most cases game them descriptive names (much like the Smurfs the name often described the personality)

Zummi = the befuddled wizzard.
Grammi= the old motherly woman
Gruffi= the antagonistic grouch who ultimatly has a heart of gold
Tummi= the slow witted but big hearted oaf
Sunni= the rebelous teen
Cubbi= the adventerous and over eager child
Gusto= the happy go lucky optimist, who is often paired the the grouchy character in a comic/strait-man relationship as Gusto was with Gruffi (of course in his case we do know how and why he came to be with this group of Gummis but I digress)

Basically the writers knew that children tended to respond to these archetypes so they adapted characters based on them without really giving any though as to how or why this particular group of Gummis came to be together.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is wonderfull that "Disney's The Gummi Bears" has so greatly sparked the imaginations of fans of all ages. I also think it would be great (and profitable) if Disney were to revive this show but with more indepth stoylines, background, character development etc, but as it stands there really is no offical explaination as to how these Gummis came together or how they might be related.


They must have been related somehow, since they would talk about their common ancestors a lot.
I don't believe that it was ever revealed exactly how they were related though.
