He's brilliant in this. Anyone else agree? I've read some reviews of this movie that say he was a let down after Ricardo Montalban in ST II and that he didnt make for a convincing Klingon but i honestly think that Lloyd - along with John Colicos - played the greatest Klingon ever.
I was truly impressed by Christopher Lloyd's performance. I thought he pulled it off well as a menacing Klingon lord and ship captain. What is truly amazing is how Hollywood made Lloyd look so buff and strong. Lloyd was never a muscular big man. His costume had to have a lot of padding I suppose.
According to Star Trek trivia, his character is the only onscreen Klingon Lord of that title actually.
And yes next to John Colicos, William Campbell and Michael Ansara, he played perhaps the best known Klingon to date, before ST:TNG era gave them the whole 'honor' B.S. crap which the original series Klingon's never had or were ever saddled with, and became quite a; 'trite' cliche in the long run.
Christopher Lloyd as this guy (Commander Kruge) made for an excellent villain. And it wasn't easy following after Ricardo Montalbán's Khan character and expected to be a memorable foe for the Enterprise crew. Lloyd's Klingon was a; Klingon set in the same sense as the old TV series, but came with the aspect of the (then) movie series redesign and was totally uncompromising, yet was crafty, dangerous and absolutely feared as the main antagonist of Star Trek 3: The Search For Spock etc.
I thought him the definitive Klingon enemy -- enemy being key here, of course, the noble warriors we tried to make peace with had to be played differently.
"After years of fighting with reality, I am pleased to say that I have finally won out over it."
Lloyd was absolutely astounding. The best Klingon to date. No angst. No burrs in his butt. Just war and honor with a drive, comparable to Kirk's, to win.
in another reality, he could have called Kirk "friend".
My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.
this was, of course, before Roddenberry became all apologetic about making Klingons evil, and tried to redeem them as noble warriors in TNG....
only to make the romulans, which were noble warriors, irredeemably evil.
LLoyd is, arguably, the ultimate TOS Klingon.
"Kill one of them. I don't care which one."
... And of course, the first one... Klingon enough... To make Kirk "Give me your hand" the boy scout say "I... Have had enough.... Of YOU!!!"
For those who dislike this film for "undoing" TWOK, one of my many complaints about TUC is that it undoes this, and all of TOS before. Fits the TNG Klingons, but not the TOS Klingons.
"After years of fighting with reality, I am pleased to say that I have finally won out over it."
For those who dislike this film for "undoing" TWOK, one of my many complaints about TUC is that it undoes this, and all of TOS before. Fits the TNG Klingons, but not the TOS Klingons.
I'd agree with that. I have my complaints about TSFS, but Lloyd's Kruge isn't one of them.
Lloyd's look and stature in this film is great as a strong, intimidating, smart Klingon leader & villain, but I found a bunch of his lines to be spoken too quiet and whispered. Lloyd's delivery in some lines needed to be more strong, forceful, alpha-male, aggressive, like a Klingon! Lloyd didn't seem convincing as a Klingon is some parts.
Overall great movie though, I enjoyed it even more than Wrath of Khan.
Yes, I believe his portrayal is the best Klingon in whole Star Trek Franchise. You know, he give's a nod to his Character Doc Brown in Star Trek 3. See my post on this board "Is Gadzooks in the Klingon Dictionary?".
Terrible performance not helped by inconsistent scripting. Either Lloyd needs to be a total badass or a semi-comedic buffoon villain. The script demands that he be a total badass because
he kills Kirk's son without discussion before, or remorse after.
On that principle alone, the character should not have been played for cheap "barbarian" laughs like wrestling with the giant worm then telling his crew on the ship, "Nothing going on here"; his stupid schtick with his stupid faker-than-fake "dog", etc.
Not to mention that several time, his "Jim voice" from Cheers peeked through, thereby shrinking his "serious performance" down to TV nostalgia level.
Not to mention that several time, his "Jim voice" from Cheers peeked through, thereby shrinking his "serious performance" down to TV nostalgia level.
I don't agree with your assessment, but it is funny you mention that because the joke at the time was:
"Give me Genesis, Kirk!" "NO!" "Oh, okey-doke."
I also distinctly remember a review that said Lloyd's performance was hurt by his "warbling baritone." Love that phrase.
Christopher Lloyd's performance took A LOT of flak when that ST3 came out, but I think time has been very kind to it. Lloyd was a victim then of his own typecasting and having to follow Ricardo Montalban, now I think he is rightly regarded as one of the best Star Trek villains.
And to know that film has documented a wrestling match between Christopher Lloyd and William Shatner makes it all worthwhile.
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Cliff: "Yeah...one of yer-eh major exports from the nation of Caspiar are-uh those long matches."
Art Vandelay "Yes, but they are among the biggest importers of diapers and latex."
Latka: "That would be due to the rubbar rat population boom. You see, they burrow into the trees, dreenk all the latex, and leave them to dry. The need for excess diapers was because occasionally the rats would mistake a person for a tree. So you see, the rats are both a blessing and a curse."
I completely agree. All I could think of is Jim from Taxi the entire time. That voice came right through that ridged skull and ruined it for me. And yeah, that dog was ridiculous, too.
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
I'm not sure what you idiots are thinking, but Lloyd was terrible in this. Totally lame and ineffectual. I like Lloyd as some goofy character, but he was totally miscast.
Exactly what I said a few posts above. The screenplay calls for Lloyd to be a total evil badass with no redeeming qualities, which is proven out by the fact that
He cold-bloodedly kills David, Kirk's son, with no discussion before or remorse after
... and a beast who would do that is... a beast, who should be shown no sympathy in life and no quarter in death combat. Kirk's last-minute attempt to extend mercy to Lloyd is perhaps the stupidest scene in the ST movie franchise (except for the total mess that was Final Frontier).
Lloyd is an evil renegade Klingon who will stop at nothing to acquire the ultimate weapon, yet, we are also to take him as a source of amusement, as with his stupid pet "dog" on the starship bridge, and with his "barbarian bravado" after wrestling the giant worm on the planet surface... and even as trailing clouds of nobility as he tells Kirk (not aware of the fact that Kirk has one last lethal card up his sleeve), "I grant two minutes to you and your gallant crew". Now where the hell did that bit of dignity come from? It came from the losers who thought up the line. More criminal inconsistency that drags the film down to cartoon level.
He needs to be either consistenly badass or consistently buffoon. Sadly, the script wavers between the two, to the catastrophic destruction of the character's authenticity, and to the film's detriment. Nimoy hugely misjudged this bit of casting.
And therein lies the problem: he kills his girlfriend, he kills his gunner, he kills David. But he speaks like Rev. Jim. Maybe he could have tried to alter his voice some?
There was nothing ineffectual about his performance whatsoever. He absolutely nailed this role & I agree with all those who say his Klingon is the one that all others should be measured by. Also, just becuz his normal voice came through at times, does not mean he didn't act well or wasn't convincing in this part.
The doctors say he has a 50-50 chance of surviving. But there's only a 10% chance of that.