Why is "Search for Spock" considered "bad"?
Remember the theory that the odd numbered Trek movies are mediocre at best, while the even numbered movies are supposedly good (at least until Nemesis dispelled that theory)? Where exactly does Search for Spock fall into this category? With The Motion Picture, many are quick to point out it's flaws such as being to slow and talky. The Final Frontier is undisputedly considered to be the very worst of the Trek movies.
The Search for Spock just seems like the odd man out among the "Genesis Trilogy". It had the unspeakable task of having to be the immediate follow-up to arguably the greatest Trek movie in Wrath of Khan. It it came just prior to more crowd pleasing, commercially accessible Voyage Home. It's as if The Search for Spock solely exist to inevitably resurrect Spock (which kind of makes you wonder why they even bothered killing him off in the first place, in the movie prior).