I had it for Christmas! I am always a bit cautious about reading a sequel to a novel which I really like, especially if it is not the original author. However when I saw that it had been approved of by the Orwell Estate, I thought that I would give it a go. Personally I find it very good. You will have to make your own minds up though. Reading it at the moment, quite near to the end. POSSIBLE PLOT SPOILERS: The style of writing is similar to the original. It also complements the original very well, filling in the gaps in a way. One thing which always intrigued me in the latest film and the original book was how did the status quo arise in 1984? Part of me wants to know, but part of me likes the mystery. In this version a few more gaps are filled in, without giving much away. One thing which I found faintly amusing was a mother of the original revolution was describing to Julia how she and Rutherford went to battle in a Ford Anglia. Not that they were not an okay car, but not the sort of thing that you imagine the founders of a revolution driving!