"We... are going... to DIE!!"


Saw this excellent movie again just the other night, and this scene, with Indy's very indignant expression right at the end here, just stuck out to me, and for a long time I've thought that Indy must've been so humiliated to think that he's faced off against Nazis and defeated them, and many other powerful foes with brute force and strength and guns that he's defeated single-handed, and now he and his young friend Short Round are stuck in this lethal crushy spikey trap about to be killed, and the ONLY person who can save them is some cowardly screechy female nightclub singer who worries a lot about breaking her nails and loves to wear perfume and is THAT close to running away because of the millions of big bugs all around her! How did Indy come to THIS? It's a MIRACLE he and Short Round (spoilers) survived! Oh, and not to mention what followed next!

As you can tell, I don't care for Willie Scott.


Just fyi this is set in 1935 whereas Raiders of tye Lost Ark was set in 1936. But I do agree, I love the way he said it.


Yea but Indy still defeated those Nazi's in the previous film


And the previous film was set after this film. So it still stands that he never killed any Nazis up to this point.


Thanks for clarifying


He learned his lesson. In the next movie he throws that ho right off the edge of a cliff. No ma'am!


I have always liked this scene, a funny one in a dramatic moment.


Willie is the jar jar of Indiana jones


FINALLY someone says something about this movie that REALLY needed to be said!
