OK, so who cried at the end?
I know I'm opening myself up to a lot of ribbing, but I've had a few Vodkas, so I'm feeling brave.
Did anyone find the end of this film remarkably touching? I first saw the film (in it's adulterated, 1985 American makeover) while I was working at a movie theatre in the early 1990s. As the Godzilla creature was dying, crying out as he burned to death in the volcano, I actually started crying!
Godzilla (in this film, anyway) was simply a product of our human ingenuity when it comes to finding ways to destroy ourself (nuclear weapons, etc) and in turn it came to bit us on the bum (Godzilla.)
I can't be the ONLY one who was genuinely touched by the creature's demise, can I? Hey, at least I'm man enough to admit it publically!