Tom Cruise? Jamie Foxx?? Okay, I see that your tastes lie firmly in the mainstream, commercial sewer of the entertainment industry. No, fans of Tom Cruise wouldn't be aware of an obscure, independent film like "Alphabet City," would they? I guess you believe that if something is popular with the sheep-like masses, then it must be "great," huh? Because we ALL know that Tom Cruise makes great, high-brow entertainment. Him and Jamie Foxx are known for creating high art. Of course, I would rather cut off my arm than watch a movie starring Tom Cruise or Jamie Foxx...but that just means I have "poor taste." If Amos Poe IS selling churros now, it is still a more respectable, and honorable job than directing Jamie Foxx movies; I mean, do we really need more excrement splattered across movie screens? Oh I forgot, Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise films make a lot of money. so they must be good products. Because we all know that mainstream masses have such refined taste, and an appreciation for art. Michael Mann? Didn't he have one good film, "Heat?" Isn't he prostituting his craft now by directing cheap tv schlock? Oh well. I have to confess, I have more respect for some guy selling 'churros' on the street corner.
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'