No country would ever destroy itself by attacking another country that also had nuclear weapons. It serves no purpose, there is nothing to gain.
That is the whole point of the movie. There is no winner in a nuclear war. Better to play a nice game of Chess instead.
The really scary thing is that not only was/is it possible, we've come pretty dam close a handful of times. Fortunately the parties involved realized the insanity of the endeavor before it was too late. Fortunately the tensions between MOST nuclear powers are greatly reduced these days. We'll see what happens if Russia decides to keep invading former Soviet territories. And Pakistan and India may end up nuking each other someday, but that probably wouldn't end up starting WW3.
There was a time before ICBMs when US/Russian bombers loaded with nuclear weapons were in the air 24/7, circling near the Arctic Circle waiting for the order to cross into Russian/US airspace and drop their payloads.
Also, one thing I never understood about the concept of nuclear war was why other countries are also attacked?
In full scale nuclear war, the US and all it's allies attack Russia and all it's allies, and vice-verse. That would pretty much ruin the environment for everyone, even countries that were not directly attacked. With the total US/USSR stockpile around 60,000 warheads in 1984, there were plenty to go around, and enough to sterilize every continent on Earth.
"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin