if there was another TZ movie
from wiki:
Potential film
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio is planning to make a new film with Warner Bros., citing The Twilight Zone as his favorite TV series. Unlike the first film, which was an anthology feature, it will be a big-budget, SFX-laden continuous story possibly based on classic episodes of the series such as "Eye of the Beholder", "To Serve Man", or any of the 92 scripts written by Rod Serling, to which Warner Bros. owns the rights. One plot leaked from the script tells about a pilot who time-travels 96 years into the future. Cloverfield director Matt Reeves was signed in 2011 to direct the movie, but left in 2012 to direct Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. On August 16, 2013, Joseph Kosinski was announced to direct. The studio hired Aron Eli Coleite to pen the screenplay for the film and will not be an anthology but use various elements from the Twilight Zone universe. In June 2017, Christine Lavaf was hired to pen the script.
they did the anthology in 83 and no one dug it so they might go with a standalone tale (like The Box) that somehow encompasses a lot of TZ themes..
but an anthology would be more fun and you get several stories so if it was another Anthology again which ones would you want to see? (say 3)
id go with Maple St, Odyssey of Flight 33 (imagine the CG dinos!) and maybe Nightmare 20,000 again (with Chris Pine lol - actually maybe just the opening pre titles credits for that one not the whole thing as it was done in 1985 and has just been done again.. although no one liked it)
and if its standalone then either Maple St or Odyssey...
UNLESS they did a standalone movie about the 'Twilight Zone' itself..as in someone like a scientist/journalist has something twilight zone happen to him and then notices and starts to investigate all the various strange eerie urbanlegendy things that have been going on (this way all the previous incarnations of the TZ would be 'canon' - or at least the original series/movie and several famous episodes could get referenced/investigated) leading to the uncovering of a dark underworld or strange force that no one (or very few) would know about and is beyond the human mind (abit like The Matrix, Terminator, Dark City, 23, Knowing, MNights, or even Final Destination).. leading to the ultimate question 'what is the twilight zone?' and what (or who) is behind it (which would probably be impossible to answer but wed get a little hint or thereof of what it could be.. but maybe would be too complex like a Russian doll of a movie...the protagonist tumbling down a rabbit hole of Twilight Zone madness, uncovering hints of truth after truth leading to some sinister revelation that everything is connected*)
*at the end im imagining the now unhinged/mad central character eventually finding a deserted building like the Fight Club house or maybe a deserted hotel with endless corridors like The Matrix.. goes down into basement (something akin to The Matrix Reloaded doorway 'on a level where no elevator can go or stair can reach').. until he finds a door (the same as in the opening TZ credits) leading to a room within a room within a room like the Tardis and its all crazy/creepy/madness/retro (like the Riddlers apartment/room in Batman Forever or Scaramangas funhouse) theres all retro maps on the wall and little bits and pieces from previous episodes all very 50s/60s looking* (maybe its even B&W and parts of the room are moving in and out of phase/dimension/space as in the TZ openings - and then it becomes like a maze with rooms leading into one another and the guy is panicking going in each one and its a different B&W TZ episode in each room like the holodeck from Star Trek TNG) and eventually he goes in a room and theres a guy in there like the architect from Matrix Reloaded..only its Rod Sterling.... and as he gets closer he realises its a mannequin*.. or is it?..and then.. well lets just say it dosnt end well for the central character ... (* kind of like this https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/f1/f3/2ef1f3acdb5a7ba4a3756ab8b25f8805.jpg) share