I think a lot of people really underestimate this flick. Scarface is a pure fuqqin classic. It's the heart of the fuqqin Ronald Reagan era. The most powerful and amazing era an American history. I'm a true Reagan baby cause I was born the same year this movie came out in 1983, which is the year of the pig. Pigs represent greed. That's their worst sin ever. Scarface was given birth in 1983 and that's what Scarface truly represents is greed. More money. More power. More control. More everything. Tony always wanted more. He was greedy. His greed was his true rise and fall.
I love how the first half of the movie the rise to power half, in which it represents the money, the power, the control, the wealth, the violence, the blood, the sex, the greed and most importantly the excess of the drug business during the Reagan era. The second half of the movie, the fall truly represents the politics of the drug business during the Reagan era. How the federal government and the fuqqin CIA smuggle cocaine in this country during a time where Pablo Escobar was the biggest drug manufacturer in the world. He ruled the drug capitol of the world Columbia. How the CIA on the front end tried to create the war on drugs and put all the politics behind the war on drugs making people believe that they're stopping the flow of drugs in this country just like 1920's prohibition. When the government made people believe they're stopping the flow of illegal liquor, but all the gangsters were making money off of it and so was the government. Same thing with drugs. On the back end they let the Cartels smuggle the cocaine and heroine in. Let them launder their money in their banks, just like the first scene of the second half, Tony and his banker meet and his banker raises the rates because the IRS is about to raid South Florida and certain legal obligations to stock holders.
Bottom line-Any true person who's a true fan of the classic 80's era in movies will absolutely love this flick. Put it in your top five. Scarface is my favorite movie of all time. It's pure cinematic gold. It will always outlive and pass the test of time because it captured the best era in American history. The fuqqin Reagan era. When people watch this classic pure gold, they will truly, 110% feel like they're in the Reagan era.