Well, for one, we would need to ask a large number of South Africans. But it really doesn't matter. There are thousands of changes that have happened in our daily life since they started happening (no one is sure when but examples range as far back as the 1980s) and when asked about some of them, there are usually 2 camps: those who remember things the old way and those who swear it has always been the way it is now. A small percentage cannot be sure. So it's probably the same with Mandela and people from South Africa. Nelson Mandela is one of the many many changes, not the first, but a very important one due to the large numbers of people who know who he is. I personally don't remember when he died because I was pretty young and did not care about Mandela, since in my reality he was a sort of terrorist and was not looked upon kindly. But what I do know I know very well. I know that the VW logo was always a solid piece, with no break in the middle. I know that Dolly had braces in Moonraker. I know Tom Cruise had RayBans during the dance scene. I know that the line is "If you build it, they will come..." These things and many others to me are facts.