Great Lines

Last week some organization listed the best lines of all time from movies. A writer in my local paper followed up with his and readers favorites. Nothing from TRS! And this movie had some GREAT lines: Everything from "Spam in a can" to "No bucks, no Buck Rogers!" to "Who's the greatest pilot you ever saw?" to "Please, Lord, don't let me F-up" to dozens of others. If you like great one liners, TRS has them; another reason this movie is so good and still talked about all these years later. Even message boards such as this continue to generate posts despite the age of the movie.


I didn't see this one anywhere:

"You don't want the best pilots?"
"We want the best pilots ... that we can get."


Light this Candle!


The Astronaut by Jose Jimenez 1961



Just make sure you don't screw the pooch


"All right, you can be Gus"


You need the Christ like hand signal to make that line work.


"Is that a man?"
"You´re damn right it is"

That moment, coupled with Bill conti´s music, gives me goosebumps all the time. One of the greatest scenes of epic cinema ever.
