MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > I think I know the real reason why some ...

I think I know the real reason why some people say this is their least favorite of the original three...

It's the battle for Endor. Everything else about this movie is amazing. The opening scene on Tatooine is, in my opinion, the most exciting opening of any movie I have seen. The final confrontation between Luke, Vader and Palpatine features some of the best emotional tension and some of the best music. Even the Ewoks aren't as bad as people say. I feel the real reason that so many people don't like this movie is because the battle for Endor is so bland and boring. The Ewoks fighting the stormtroopers is NOT exciting and even the scenes that involve Han and Leia infiltrating the shield generator base aren't that exciting either. You just feel like nothing interesting is going on during this battle, and it makes the movie seem worse than it actually is.


At least Endor has the speeder bike chases, but yeah it's mostly a drag.


The only thing I like about ROTJ is Luke's final confrontation with the Emperor and Vader.


As a little kid watching it at the cinema after being excited for weeks to see it I was disappointed with Jedi but didn’t know why, maybe because I knew I wouldn’t see my heroes again or that Vader wasn’t bad ass this time.

Over time I realized it was because the Ewoks were a cynical cash grab and a poor replacement to wookies, the battle of Endor was childish, unbelievable and boring, every time it switched from Luke’s duel to Endor, or Luke’s duel to the space battle, the seriousness of Luke's duel lost momentum, the space battle was lazy and a Death Star had been done before, plus I’d of rather of seen Han, Chewie and Leia in the Millennium Falcon, after his rescue Han was boring in this movie, Leia becoming Luke’s sister felt cheap and gross and felt like just a ploy to avoid any friction between the main three characters, and the ending on Endor didn’t have the same epic feel as the previous two endings.


Well the Jabba palace rescue was kind of anti-climatic, after all the build-up in the Empire...


I think those that watched this movie as a kid will still love it, flaws or not. Just like how I love Arnold Swarc(however is last name is spelled) movies even though they're rated mediocre at most (excluding the first 2 Terminator movies etc.).


As a kid I loved ROTJ and I still do. But I understand why some people don't like it.


I never had a huge problem with the Ewoks but I was 2 when this movie came out, so I'm a bit bias. There is a lot to love about this movie, as you say. The escape from Tattooine was top notch.


1. The disrespectful death of Boba Fett
2. The Lucas paradigm shift that switched to the more child friendly style. As seen in the many "hands up" scenes on Endor (instead of wholesale killing like there was only moments before)
3. Half of the Ewok traps were ridiculous.
4. Of all the wretched Special Edition add-ons, this one had the worst. Sny Snoodles is top tier bad.

I'm OK with the Ewoks. They were savage warriors and were about to eat a human. So you know that they spent the next week making human jerky out of the hundreds of dead Stormtroopers laying around.

Even though this is the worst of the first three, it is still better than any of the prequels, R1, and TLJ. I even like it more than TFA but score it about the same.

My ranking: 5>4>>6=7>R1>>>Solo=1>2>>3>>>>>>>>>8
