Is this the series with...
I am looking for an Anthology Horror series show that featured 2 half-hour episodes much in the same vein as Tales from the Dark Side, Night Gallery, and Twilight Zone.
The one episode I am seeking involves a small town that has a run down and temporarily closed amusement park managed by an old man who has the same look and personality of Andy Devine or Slim Pickens and he has friends at the local bar where he likes to share tall tales and show off his latest clothing attire. In this particular episode he's wearing some brand new cowboy boots that impress his friends and he tells them that they were a gift.
The episode later plays out like a flashback I believe and we see a young fugitive (possibly a prison escapee) who is seeking shelter and somehow assumes a new identity along the way (probably by mugging and stealing money, ID, and clothing from a traveler). He befriends the old man in the small town pretending to be a hitchhiker seeking some work. The old man then gives him a job in one of the rides at the park (I think it was the funhouse) and the young man eagerly obliges the offer. When the old man tells him to go to the part of the ride that involves an underwater lake the young man takes the trolley/cart down to that section where he is killed by an animatronic lake monster that kills him. The next scene shows us that the old Man killed the young man on purpose to steal from him and take his shiny new boots.
Does this sound familiar to anyone and if it's not this series can you steer me towards the correct one?