Classic Lines

Calvin in phony calm voice- "Attention guests. It's come to our attention that due to 'technical difficulties' it has become necessary to close the Underwater Sea Kingdom. Follow your guides and they will point out the most convenient and accessible exits."

Sea World patron- "Where is the most accessible exit?! We're underwater!"

"Gimme some lights down there! And get me some medical attention down there quick!"- Calvin freaking out. "Seal the park, you hear me? Seal the park!"

"I'm mad at that boy, but I don't mean him any harm. You hear me? I don't mean him any harm."- water ski girl in phony southern accent.


My favourite line from all of the Jaws movies:
"He don´t sleep in, he don´t live in! You tell shelby overman for me he can take a flying leap in a rolling doughnut on a gravel drivweway"
I laugh so hard every time I watch this movie and that line comes up, I´m laughing right now writing it.
These are good as well:
Calvin: "You mean we´re talking about some damn sharks mutha?"
Or the whole "you can beep my beeper" scene

"My mind is a courthouse, my soul is a jail, my life is on deathrow" Lenny Kravitz, "Without you"


Damn, you named all mine.

Also, when the shark breaks open the gate and Calvin says "We gotta warn them!" (wow, nothing gets past you, slick!)

The fireman is very magical. If you rub on his helmet, he spits in your eye.


What about Fitzroyce's classic line " in case we get into any trouble all we have to do IS PULL THE PIN" and another great line (well few lines)

Fitzroyce "Jack and i will lure him back in to the pipe close the gate and dispose of him at are leisure, mean while you can weld your tunnel patch and calvin can evacuate the civilians"

Kay "What if she doesn't wanna go back in"

Fitzroyce "I think we can guarantee she'll wanna go back in"

Mike "Just how are you going to guarantee that"

Fitzroyce " Live bait"

Man MacCorkindale really ham's it up in this movie!!


My favorite lines come from one of the underwater scenes later in the movie.

Mike and Kathryn are underwater trying to avoid the shark when all of the sudden Mike shouts:


To which Kathryn quickly replies:


Classic! :)


The dialogue in this film is really priceless, isn't it? I remember laughing my 3-D glasses off at some of those clinkers back in 1983.


Calvin Bouchard: Some, some, some, some DAMN FISH!


little girl-"daddy look at the big fish"
daddy-"OH SH!T!!!!"

also calvin- "seal da park!!!"


the greatest lines are the one my friend and I just made up while watching this...

Like Calvin, we wished he had said "Why's it gotta be a Great WHITE Shark? Black Shark's not great enough for ya?"



Calvin Buchard: "This is Calvin Buchard..."

I laugh my ass off because of the way he says it!

"Blow up...Blow up!"-Chief Brody



"Nooooo grenades" - Bouchard to Fitzroyce

"Get em up! Get em up!" - Bouchard trying to get Mike and Kay out of the water.

"For Christ sakes Guvnah, rememba Australia" - Jack to Fitzroyce



Calvin Buchard "Follow your guides to the nearesr possible EXits..."


My favorite is:

Kay: "No, Overman was killed INSIDE the park, the baby was caught INSIDE the park, it's mother is INSIDE the Park!"

Also when Philip Fitzroyce arrives:

Phil: "Now anymore question's in the bar if you please..."

Then Calvin gives us the gem...

"For the first one who buys them, right?"



1. Calvin Bouchard:

"Can´t see sh!t down there!"

2. Mike:

"No overtime!"




LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!! There are so many hilarious lines in Jaws 3, the bit that my brother & I used to have hysterics to and quote (JUST as dramatically as Bess Armstrong did in the movie!) is this scene:

"NO! Overman was killed INSIDE the PARK! The baby was caught INSIDE the PARK! It's mother is INSIDE the PARK!"

Hilariously brilliant bad movie!!!! ;-)






<<Kathryn: "He needs eyes in the back of his head, Calvin." >>

The best part about that is, Mike already had a dive buddy with him in the water. If you'll recall, when Kay swims up to the tunnel, there's another diver there along with Mike. She gives him the "a-ok" sign and he makes for the surface with no fuss whatsoever (he was probably thinking "Better her than me!"). So, in fact, Kay getting back in the water at that point was completely superfluous.


For some reason I started giggling uncontrollably when I heard the one guy in the control room say "Tube integrity has been compromised!" after the shark rammed the underwater observation tube...

I also love when the dead body floats up next to the tube, and the face is pressed up against the glass, and for some reason, the girl presses her face up to the other side of the glass and screams with her mouth wide open...


"You tell Shelby Overman he can take a flying leap at a rolling donut on a gravel driveway!!"



Mike: I don't believe it, she got him in the water!
Kathryn: Never underestimate the power.

In the scene where Sean is overcoming his fear of the water by making with
Kelly in the Sea World lagoon.


<<I also love when the dead body floats up next to the tube, and the face is pressed up against the glass, and for some reason, the girl presses her face up to the other side of the glass and screams with her mouth wide open... >>

If you watch the scene carefully, you can see there's someone behind her, presumably a sibling or other teenager, who's pushing her up against the window.


I just finished it and I cackled at the girl getting her face smashed as well. Also when they're trying to get people out of the water and Dennis Quaid rams the boat up on the beach, narrowly missing a girl, her mother and quite possibly the camera man. as well as when he just crashes the golf cart and falls out.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.



My favorite line, hands down, is brother Sean the morning after the bar night, Mike offers him coffee and he says "just throw it in my eyes, it'll work faster." His delivery is awesome and I have had many mornings when I've felt the same and used this line.


The whole "INSIDE the park"-bit gets my vote. I laughed till I cried first time I saw it and i was so glad they trolled the *beep* out of it on "I Love The 80s"


"If he will come quietly" "no way I scream and shout"


"Any cheek and you'll be flippin' burgers at McDonald's!" (lady telling girls to not wear overly revealing shorts)

almost any line that Louis Gossett utters.

Almost any line that Bess Armstrong says. She seems like a good sport, but her performance is so miscalculated.


Anytime Calvin says "nephew"

"Is this your student... The champion?"
