Where's the obligatory 'was Nekron gay' post?
He didn't seem interested in Teegra, but he seemed VERY interested in Larn...
shareHe didn't seem interested in Teegra, but he seemed VERY interested in Larn...
shareWell, of COURSE he's gay! A gay villain is a central theme of many Swords and Sorcery tales. What I am waiting for is a gay HERO.
Nekron wasn't gay he just was more concerned with power and being the ultimate ruler than getting some from a hot chick
That *would* be interesting, if only to *bleep* with convention.
share:laughter: I was just discussing this with a Houstonian comrade. Let's see... quotation...
"Necron's ice-rage glacier was a byproduct of his overbearing mother and repressed angst-ridden gay tendencies, I'm sure of it. He simply ignored Teegra's supple and voluptuous body, then only wanted to play with the built-like-gods manmeats instead."
He even undressed himself for Larn, ooo lala. He's such a nelly bottom.
Sheesh, even his own Mum went out of her way to nab him some snatch. Mum knew and Mum didn't like. Why else would Necron get so upset? lol INTROVERTED DETESTATION.
"I'm going nowhere fast... and you're not coming." -LP
Roleil? Personally, I think she was a lesbian who wanted Teegra for herself, or something.
shareI have to admit I hate these little pointless guessing games where people try to pick apart not very deep fiction and project their own dreams/wishes/internal demons upon them. If people aren't seeing Christ figures they are questioning various characters sexual peccadilloes and motives. Like a dog chasing its own tail, this is always a lesson in futility. While we can speculate all day long we will never get an answer. Mainly due to the fact that there is no answer to give. The story's creator never bothered to delve that deeply into his or her own creation.
Ok that bit of arrogant, self important drivel aside, I have to join the original poster in wondering why the hell Nekron was so against having relations with Teegra. When his mother brought up the idea of her being his mate he was not only not interested, he was downright offended. After re-watching the movie I think the reason for his disgust has nothing to do with his sexuality and everything to do with his psychology. His own comment to her brother about how she is "Not wholly unattractive as lesser beasts go." tells me that he sees anyone of lesser power as nothing better than a base and imperfect animal. His reaction is the same as a normal person's would be if someone suggested he should mate with a pig, said pig's attractiveness to other pigs notwithstanding. And since he feels he has near godlike powers he is offended anyone could even consider he is a mere mortal with a brief lifespan and had any need to attempt to carry on his lineage.
Frankly in my own opinion, it is silly to think a being of such obvious power, power enough to cover half a world in mountains of ice, would even need something as primitive as the human sex drive for pleasure.
As I stated in my preamble, any idle speculation is an exercise in futility. Still I guess that won't stop any of us from asking questions we know won't ever be answered.
This is an overtly sexual story. Those ice explosions are virtual cumshots and Teegra is skamping around in next to nothing the entire movie.
Say what you want about reading into stories but fantasy and science fiction tales are very often allegorical in nature.
As for idle speculation being an exercise in futility, all I can say is everything is futile in the great big scheme of things but fortunately most of us choose to live our lives anyway. So if some people find speculating about movie plots fun, who's anyone to criticize that past time.
Man, the exploding glaciers had me thinking of The Naked Gun, they were so blatant.
Of course he's gay. Look at it. Teegra practically hands him the pussy and he laughs in her face. That "power speech" was just a bunch of bs.
shareI didn't get that vibe, but then I wasn't looking for Nekron to be gay. I just got the sense that he was so steeped in his quest for power sex was of no importance to him. He did seem to reconsider his spurning of Teegra upon realizing indicating a desire for her gave him greater power over her brother and the other ambassadors sent to negotiate with him. Thus, I believe Nekron had no desire for sex and so was neither gay nor straight. People who sublimate sexual desires in favor of seeking other things like power exist in real life. I believe Nekron to be a fictional version of such people.
Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.
Yeah, I don't think he cares either way. He may have an obsessive, overbearing mother, but that doesn't mean he likes the fellas. The only thing he cares about is power.
shareWhere is it?
You're soaking in it.