MovieChat Forums > Christine (1983) Discussion > This movie's almost unwatchable on tv

This movie's almost unwatchable on tv

Never have i seen a movie more cut edited and butchered on tv, like every scene theres dialogue cut out, i remember watching this for the first time on dvd and being surprised at how many scenes had more to them than what i had seen on tv.

Like characters will be in mid conversation and it'll just cut directly to another scene, its just annoying and unwatchable if you've seen the movie unedited. And even if you haven't seen the movie unedited you can still tell theres supposed to be more to certain scenes.

I know movies need to be edited for tv for time, and i've seen tons of movies on tv edited but this one stands out to me as being the worst edited, and obviously edited, as i said it just feels like the movie was butchered.


Movies are also cut for content. Just watched Chuck Norris Silent Rage last week on TV. It was cut to the point where it was an incomplete story.


I long for the days they even showed movies like Silent Rage on commercial television!


I wish directors would insist there movies either show uncut on TV, or don't show at all. It's juvenile that we adults can't watch R-rated movies in their original form after a certain hour on regular TV channels.


Few directors have that kind of pull. People need to just stop watching commercial TV.


PC crowd........ what do you expect?


i love responses like these...most of the people doing the insane tv recuts are hardcore evangelical conservatives who are trying to follow the right-winged Hayes Code...PC crowd indeed


I read once that this movie was, at the time, the record-holder for the number of times the word fuck was said (which is difficult to believe)



Every second word of this movie being "fuck" probably has something to do with it.


I think you are confusing television with programming.

The movie doesn't change AT ALL when viewed on a TV or when viewed on a monitor. A display device is a display device. It's even irrelevant if you talk about CRT display devices, because even those exist in TV and monitor form.

I was wondering why a television would somehow render a movie unwatchable - old CRT televisions might blur the picture and force you to crop or watch it in a tiny letterbox in low resolution so you lose some detail, but plenty of people have watched movies that way for a long time back in the day, and it has been fine.

Television NETWORKS (which is basically 'programming') are a different thing from the display device. You only mention television, not networks. People can have televisions without having a connection to those greedy, bastardizing corporations.

Why ANYONE would watch movies, TV shows or ANYTHING through that kind of system peppered with ads and corporate insanity when it comes to 'cutting' and such, plus having to be watching at a specific time, is beyond me. It's SO inconvenient - I stopped watching things that way decades ago, haven't been watching 'programming' or any network crap ever since, and I can't fathom why anyone would.

When you can so easily get the DVD set or any other way of just storing the stuff AS FILES on your computer, with modern monitors the resolution and the display size should be sufficient - I don't see ANY downsides, but plenty of upsides. It's just SO much more convenient when those things are waiting for you on your hard drive all the time, so you can watch any show or movie at any point in time you choose, pause it in any point you want, or watch any portion of any of it at any second you so choose. There are no ads, no cutting, no 'new sound effects that ruin the 1980s atmosphere (*cough*'The Terminator'*cough*) - excuse me, some autumn allergy.

Just pure viewing pleasure at your 100% convenience. WHY choose anything else??


You know that you're crazy as a shithouse rat, don't you?

I don't know if your penchant for misinterpreting things in an overly literal sense is a [low-rent] trolling tactic or if you're severely autistic, but either way, you're not even correct, not even in a purely literal, technical sense. "TV" is an abbreviation of "television," which refers to a system of transmitting video and audio which is reproduced on video display devices that are equipped with, or connected to, television tuners. The term doesn't refer to the display device itself except in a casual sense (the proper term for a video display device which receives television signals as its primary function is "television set"), which renders your first three paragraphs null and void.

Furthermore, he used the term "on TV," not "on a TV," which means he was referring to the system, not to the display device, obviously.

"Television NETWORKS (which is basically 'programming') are a different thing from the display device. You only mention television, not networks. People can have televisions without having a connection to those greedy, bastardizing corporations."

Again, you don't know what you're talking about. First, like I just said, he said "on TV," not "on a TV." Second, the word "TV" or "television" by itself, first and foremost, refers to the system, not to a display device. Television networks utilize the system, but not all television broadcasts originate from networks. There's a guy in my small town that broadcasts television signals from his house. He has an LPTV license and isn't affiliated with any network. He broadcasts whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and doesn't even air commercials.


The biggest sin was editing out Darnell's best lines, such as "that's the last time you run that mechanical asshole in here without an exhaust hose"


This ^^^ is one of my favorite lines of ANY movie of all time. His delivery is hilarious.


Throw ya out your fuckin' ass!
