The first miniseries is a well-made and thought-out masterpiece. It's dated (like what hasn't), but there's enough on how good, solid drama is made and it holds up well where it's supposed to. The pacing, the revelations, everything. Right down to having Visitors that you cannot get around due to their advanced weaponry. And guile. It makes sense.
The second miniseries, "The Final Battle", has giant gaps in logic all over the place, but at least remains entertaining thanks to the quality of the actors.
The TV series starts out BETTER than "The Final Battle", but quickly loses its way - down to conveniently forgetting issues like Nathan Bates' wristband that would blow everything up or whatever (I don't recall the TV show, despite buying it on clearance at Walmart for a low price). Later episodes really jumped the shark when we had Visitor rituals but it's the Visitors in their human skins with face paint on. (Gee, not in their natural lizard skins?!)