MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > Really really BAD

Really really BAD

Yes it may have "scared us as kids" but then so did big dogs and riding without training wheels.

Folks, this show is BAD.

The writing is bad, the acting is bad, the cheesy effects are BAD.

Alien visitors that drive around in black golf carts ?

It was made 20 years ago, it was made for TV.


Enough nostalgia. Bad is bad.


Wally B Bites, dont listen to him. V is a classic that can still be enjoyed today. I never saw it in 1983. I watched it for the first time in 1999. I am now a proud owner of both dvds and i have watched the entire 6 hour + series (V and V:The Final Battle) about 10 times. Each time it gets better. Don't hate on V. This movie does not need a remake, it needs a sequel with the original cast. Marc Singers character would punch you (Refering to the part of V: The Final Battle, when Mike Donovan pops out of the corner grabs a gaurd and does a super chest punch, that what you get)


I recall watching this back in the 80's as the only remotely acceptable alternative to the Olympics (never having been much of a sports fan). I was living in Wales at the time and the only other thing on TV then was something in Welsh.

Well, I was hooked almost immediately - I loved every minute of it and could hardly wait for the following parts and sequel, and hell, even the not very good series was better than no V at all.

I bought the DVD's recently and watched it all all over again, and didn't mind in the least that the special effects weren't that special anymore - they weren't what made V so good anyway. That would be the storyline and likeable characters - even the ones I loved to hate. And yes, it was every bit as good as I remembered it.

Remake - pah! Bring on the sequel with the original characters - I'm with you sales-462.

Vertigo I can handle - it's horizonto that drives me nuts.


(deleted post)


I should add that I'd watch a sequel either way.

If they keep TFB and the series in sequence, I'd enjoy the sequel as (hopefully) a good sci-fi flick. If they base it on the first miniseries only, I'd enjoy it as a deeper, and (hopefully) thought-provoking fear-fest.

The first one was more realistic to me--even though I was only 11 back in 1983, it made me think more about human nature. Who can we trust? Can we trust ourselves? How easily would we sell out for baseless promises in shiny packages? How utterly naive can people be?

TFB and the series (all of which I highly enjoyed) make me just think "holy crap, we're all going to die!" for a few hours. Great stuff, and good entertainment they all are. I just like the deeper dabble in human nature in the first a bit more.

Either way, I'd be happy to just see more of that crazy fork-tongued Diana. I rarely put down $9.50 for a theater visit, but I'd even do that for a new V if they scrapped the network idea and went for a theater release! Not likely, but I can dream.



The effects are not cheesy. They are not perfect, but they are certainly good enough that they don't spoil the enjoyment. I have seen the series many times over the years, mostly in my teens, and I've just seen the first two episodes on the Sci Fi channel. They have dated incredibly well, unlike most things from that decade (I loathed the 80's).

What V shows for me is that once upon a time - even in the 80's - character, plot and dialogue were important. Independence day ripped off many of its ideas from V and the special effects may technically be better but that's not all that's important. The film is atrocious and people will not be watching it in 20 years.

Computer-generated special effects have more negatives than positives because film producers forget that there are more important elements to a story than just spectacle. Modern sci-fi films are all special effects and explosions and are, on the whole, pretty tedious. Star Wars is a great example - 25 years ago when there weren't the effects, you got 3 classic films full of warmth, character and story. Now you get 3 films that are like watching someone else play a video game, there's virtually nothing redeeming about them. It's not nostalgia. It's about not wanting to be insulted as a viewer.


I was born at the tail end of '83 and I only vaguely remember seeing maybe reruns when I was young, recently however my boyfriend bought V: the complete series on DVD (i'm guessing this is the TV show...) and I watched the entire thing over 2 days.
Yes - it was cheesy by today's standards but I could see how it was more impressive in the 80's
Yes - some of the acting was bad - but I see worse acting in today's movies
I enjoyed laughing when I saw scenes they used in more than one episode, (like the distracted Vistor pilot looking up and exploding into the cliff, and the Lt James pulling up and ordering them to search the van for anyone with a good memory or who recently watched it again)
I thought that the writers had some good points in there, and I'm wanting to know what the heck Kyle is doing stashed on board with the Leader and Elizabeth... so I figure I'm sucked into watching the mini series and the final battle.

"no more rhymes now I mean it! / Anybody want a peanut?!"


No, this is great stuff. Great science-fiction, great allegory, great spectacle. A nice history lesson wrapped in modern trappings. Not a fan of science-fiction it seems. Sucks to be you.


I think you already did watch them, because otherwisek, THEY USED THE SAME SCENES YOU MENTION FOR THE THIRD TIME :D !!!!! So yeah youve probably olready seen the whole thing: V (miniseries) V: The Final Battle, And the 18-19 episode tv series.

Search the red van lmao i remember that. And the best part about the distracted V pilot crashing into the cliff was that the first time it was fair enough, he was well into the hunt and what not so suddenly he looks up and BANG but when they use it in one of the l;ast episodes its supposed to be a fully computer controlled plan of attack so there should even be pilots in the fighters, let alone ones that would only notice theyre crashing into a cliff a millisecond before, as if hed been concenrttrating on something else... hmmmm.......

So yeah, if you remember the whole computer hacking thing with the whizz kid blowing fighters out of the sky that was the tv series so you watched that.

Whats the point of having a signature? Only absolute losers have them...


ah, someone else who gets it, as does most of the public.

Only the holywood execs and tv execss don't get it, and then they wonder why their network ratings keep going down further and further year after year.


First of all, "V: The Series" may have been bad...that I won't dispute you on. But the two miniseries that preceded it ("V: The Original Miniseries" and "V: The Final Battle") were great! GREAT! The writing was brilliant. It made us all think about how we, as modern-day Americans, would react under a fascist, Nazi-like occupation. It certainly had a lot more depth than such crap that comes out nowadays like "Independence Day," a film that stole every one of its ideas from previous films.

As for the effects, what do you want? It was a made-for-TV back in 1983 for chrissake! The effects were great for their time. The original "Star Trek" from the '60s had worse effects, but its intricate plotting and three dimensional characters carried its popularity forty years. Are special effects that important to you? I've got news for you: "Independence Day" and "Star Wars Episode III" may look great to us now, but twenty years from now, our kids (or grand kids) will be laughing at how cheesy they look.

As for your contention that the acting was bad, you failed to make specific points, so I can not even comment on it, except to say that I vehemently disagree.

The fact that it was made 20 years ago...So what?! "Casablanca" was made over sixty years ago. Does that make it "bad"? "On The Waterfront" was made over fifty years ago. Does that make it "bad"? These are classic films I'm mentioning here. Or are you the kind of person who only likes films that are made nowadays? Why not put down "The Godfather" while you're at it. It was made over thirty years ago.

There was never a scene with the Visitors driving around in golf carts. Are you sure you're thinking of the right movie?

Yes, it was made for TV. It was too long for Kenneth Johnson to have tried to squeeze it all into a two-hour movie, and cutting it down to two hours would have been wrong (Sergio Leone tried it with "Once Upon a Time In America," and the film bombed; when he re-released it in its four hour entirety, the film got raves).

Enough said. An unfair critique is an unfair critique.


Chill and breathe deeply. It was very good sci fi and drama, that's why we're all still talking about it twenty years later. Television flourishes because of people who don't know good from bad.


It scared the poop out of me when I was a kid. Although I did think that Diane chick was hot. Right up until the bit where you realise she's some dragon-esque person underneath.


V and V: The Final Battle were both completely awesome! I loved them in '83, when I was eleven and I love them both now! Yes, the actual series wasn't quite as good, but who cared? It was more V! The story and characters were both wonderful! Without the Final Battle, we wouldn't have that wonderful battle with all of the balloons! I love watching that! And, the scene where Ham Tyler dumps an entire bag of bacteria down Stephen's throat is classic! Of course, just about every scene that had Tyler in it is classic, lol!! I thought the acting was great!



The difference is we aren't gathering up people from Afghanistan and/or Iran and eating them! The Resistance couldn't join the Army, because the aliens were in control of the government! V isn't supposed to be an analogy of the war on terrorism, but of Nazi Germany.

I think the political message is one of doing right vs going along with oppressive power. I think comparing the Resistance to Osama bin Laden is a false analogy, since bin Laden had/has power in his own country. A better analogy would be the Resistance = those of his people who aren't terrorists and bin Laden = Diana.

V was actually dedicated to freedom fighters...not religious fanatics.



V:TFB and the followup tv series were not good... but the original does have some merit.

I refer to the thought put into the characters and setup. Unlike 2005, the amount of money put into tv shows for mere melodramatic effect was far, far less. Therefore intellectual content had to be used.


I agree. At the time it was good, but NOW, it stinks. A remake would be cool.

"If You're Going To Bad Mouth A Movie, Give Us A Better Example!!!"


I saw this show as a kid in its original run and loved it. I watched this show on TV about 2 years ago and was embarrassed. Aliens land on Earth have the ability to con all of mankind (except a few individuals) yet can almost never shoot a laser gun straight. They miss 99.9% of their shots. V is surely for Very Bad.


Did you actually watch V? It may seem they "conned" mankind, (which is the fault of V's breakneck pacing in order to squeeze everything into a 4 hour miniseries), but if you use a bit of imagination, and oh, the clue they have a device to brainwash people, it doesn't seem such a fantastic stretch of reality does it?!

Of course their shots miss, if it weren't for "Hollywood aim" all the good guys would be dead and it wouldn't of made much of a storyline or film, duh! It's called suspension of disbelief, if you can't manage that, then don't bother watching sci fi.


i've not read all the comments on this thread but u have to remember it was made over 20 years ago. at the time it was a massive sci-fi series. it's true that now u can see the flaws but that's because special effects have improved so much. also they were on a limited budget. not helped every time a laser gun was used!

that's why i feel they ought to do a remake.


It's not bad at all....don't listen to anybody who tells you it's bad...because they are just LYING!!! Or they are JEALOUS!....okay...they aren't really jealous...but they ARE lying!!! :D


I loved it when it first came out. Fortunately for us the whole lot V and V the Final Battle were shown in hourly installments on a weekly basis or maybe twice a week. Since I was in grade 3 at the time, all I remember is that it caught all my classmates imaginations and the whole school yard (or so it seemed) took parts and played it out the next day.

It came out on video many yeats ago and I scrimped and saved up to buy it and watched the tapes until they died. A few weeks ago I found it on DVD and bought it immediately.

Looking back on it now, there are some corny lines and some of the acting is annoying (mainly Robin cos all I can now think of is why was she such a drip? Even the most boy-crazed girl I know was never as bad as she was). I much prefer Polly.

But for all the few corny lines there were great ones. Abraham's note is perhaps the best scene in all of the movies I can remember. Heartfelt and sincere.

As for the special effects, well many, many years have passed now since it was made. Technology has improved so much and you just can't expect the effects to be as good as they are now. That being said, they were as good as, if not better than some of the effects in more 'popular' movies and series of the times.


No remake!!!!!


This film is horrendous! Just watch the opening scene as two of the main actors are getting shot at in the jungle. They show no sense of fear, and make stupid jokes the whole time. How about the scene where all of America is sitting around the TV watching aliens and humans make contact for the first time. This would be the biggest moments in the history of man kind, yet we're subject to dialogue like "Awwww mom, that's not E.T, that's not even Dr. Spock!" then, a few moments later every actor in their most corny tone says "good luck", "good luck", "good luck".

Wow, unbelievable bad. If Englund would have turned into Krueger and killed everyone then it may have been worthwhile. Avoid at all costs!


this show is great. mike donovan is awesome and diana steals the show.


Hello Wallo B!

I really do not understand why are you saying that this is a bad series. I didn't whatch it in the 80s (I was way to young) and I happen to be watching it now. I really like both the story and the acting. The rhytm is a bit slow for our standards, but it is not a big deal. On the other hand, there are several very good scenes for the directing standpoint. Such as a skull in the same frame announcing death when one of the ships appears and so on. It is a remarkable miniseries and it well deserved the succes it had at the time. To be rediscovered.



I would watch this anyday over Star Trek, Stargate, Farscape, Babylon 5 etc... and all that crap! This was the thing in the 80's! Every magazine was talking about this show! This great show is exactly like how Prison Break is going to be remembered in 20 years time. Only by the fans...


Well Mr WillyB,
fair enough everyone's entitled to an opinion, that's what the boards are about.
I think you'll find that you are very much in a minority though. This series is still critically acclaimed, it still has enough appeal to get regular showings on TV and, I do believe that the DVD is selling very well. The special effects were about the best that money could buy at the time and stand toe to toe with a great deal of movie effects at the time. OK so quite a few of the performances have dated in the 24 years since this was first broadcast but I think you'll find that most people regard this to be a masterpiece of it's time

Svetlana sucks lemons across from me
