MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > Really really BAD

Really really BAD

Yes it may have "scared us as kids" but then so did big dogs and riding without training wheels.

Folks, this show is BAD.

The writing is bad, the acting is bad, the cheesy effects are BAD.

Alien visitors that drive around in black golf carts ?

It was made 20 years ago, it was made for TV.


Enough nostalgia. Bad is bad.



I never seen it.


Sure the show may look bad now but 20 years ago it was top quality, Special effects which make you laugh at now but back then it was a must see there are not many tv shows that you go home early so you dont miss them.
I hope they do a remake as there a still a lot of people who rememebr V and would like to see it resurrected again



agreed, i was a fan as a kid, but time has really taken it's toll on the show



Well "V" is one of those old shows that if you had an outdoor theater and popcorn and little kids of your own (age 7 - 12) you can show them this mini-series under the stars and watch his little head go WOOOOO! with the ideas of outerspace aliens. Sure with a much more sophisticated point of view this series is totally formulaic with stilted acting and dated special effects, but for me it is like eating marshmellows. No real nutrition and it will just make me sick by the end. Yet it reminds me of a time when somthing on tv really got me excited and (at the time) I found fantastic and entertaining.


Someone has to disagree. V is what, 20 years old, and special effects have certainly advanced. However, the direction is great, the only bad acting is the female villains (and they're terrible - and why British?) and the only clunker in the story and characterization is that godawful teenage girl who gets herself knocked up by a lizard (and just exactly how? did the writers not know how lizards do it? she certainly would have noticed.) This is not a bad average for TV sci-fi. It is certainly better than the garbage that various networks try to tack on to the end of Stargate and Star Trek to keep viewers.

Remember that it was produced with a conscious effort to comment on colaboration and resistence, and how on how we are afffected by the media. The script is good enough to be serious. Watching the DVD recently prompted me to think about our current Patriot Act, and just how far we could be led.


Loved it then, and love it now.There is a lesson in this movie, that we in this country didnt seem to learn....We will when its too late.

Better Living Thru Chemistry



Yes, blatant, but important.............To each his own on not liking the show...Im sure there are lots of things that others like that I dont...Thats the good thing about it.......One thing tho, opinions mean nothing, EXCEPT to the person who has them...........

Better Living Thru Chemistry


it's way better then the trash on T.V. now adays. I can barley watch T.V. at all so pretty much I dont.


yep. I used to be a huge tv watcher. Now, I hardly watch any tv at all.

The modern shows just aren't as good as the old shows.

The industry likes to say that's just because we're looking at it nostalgically.

They said the same thing about kids' cartoons also and that the kids of todat like today's cartoons and today's kids shows better than old ones because it was made for their generation and not ours while we older viewers like the older ones better because it was made for our generation and not today's kids, so we ONLY think they're better even though they're not better.

And they claim today's is better.

Well, guess what? I showed some of those old cartoons and old kids tv shows to kids who grew up watching today's cartoons, who are still little kids, and without me saying anything about which is better or even which is good, they liked the older ones better!!!

Not surprising to me, but probably surprising to Hollywood producers and tv executives who don't know a good show if it bit them in the rear.

Unlike hollywood executives, Even 5,8, and 10 year olds know a good story when they see one.

Hollywood exexutives are NOT smarter than a 5'th grader.

They're not even smarter than a 1'st grader.

They're not even smarter than a kindergartender.

That's why modern tv is so lousy.


Black golf carts? Um...I don't think it's the same movie. More like white, but thanks for comin' out


My memory of "V" was that I was in college, trying to study, and my roommates were in the living room hooting and hissing. When I went in to see what was going on there were paper wads all over the room. Anytime one of the performers delivered another rancid line, they would boo and toss paper. Eventually, we all settled down and sat through the whole thing. The idea was so interesting we were willing to put up with the rotten dialogue.

Think of it as preparation for "Revenge of the Sith."


They are black in the incarnation I have.

The final episodes.



This was made in 1983 Folks, of course it was bad, everything from 83 was But then, it was GREAT too.. Who cares that the writing wasnt the best, that the SciFi was a bit off, etc, etc.. it was a Fun, and Captivating. I was 10 years old when this came out, and I thought it was GREAT. Just this weekend, my 11 year old Daughter watched this, and She loved it too. So, even if this was not a great movie in terms of technical greatness, it was still a fun, cool movie!

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I think everyone that is moaning about how bad "V" is, is confusing it with V: The Final Battle and the series. Countless times I have read people qouting an event about TFB on this board, when they really should have talking about it in the TFB board.
"V" is a very good production, the rest can (and should) be forgotten. If you are saying V is bad, then you really must have some form of brain damage...


I agree that the effects simply do not hold up by today’s standards. I also agree that the final battle and the series are pretty bad. Although I think the plot of The Final Battle was fine and Michael Ironside was great. However the original mini series is one of the best-written things ever made. It is a really rich text and extremely well put together movie.


Hi Skyfighter,
I didn't even know there was another board for TFB...I'd much rather talk about all three sections of this story in one board. Ugh, to think of goign to three boards.

I won't even go there.

Just me though.


WallyB this show was made in the 80s. You can't knock them for bad special effects when that was all they had. In fact those special effects were the best at the time. I loved V. I even love TFB and the series despite all the cheesy dialogue and outrageous storylines.

However those of you who hated the series might be interested to know that a new miniseries called V: the second generation is being planned. It supposed to take place 20 years after the end of TFB and completly ignores the series.
Alot of the original actors and actresses are coming back for it.

Long live Willy. Freddy Krueger rules.

Friends Forever


I personally hate the idea that they are ignoring the tv series though...When it comes out I'm going to have a very hard time. I guess they're going to make it in place of the series so maybe it won't be too bad...I'm still torn on it, I was so sure it was going to get screwed up.

But I should have some faith in Kenneth Johnson on that one...he's the expert in this stuff, at least I hope so! :)


I just saw this for the first time, and personaly i thought it great. In fact I already own it. Sure, the dialouge was slightly lame at times, but what film/tv show hasn't been at some point? And don't talk about the effects, they are batter than the first terminator, one year older and a televion miniseries. I guess Robin's charecter did kinda suck...
In my opinion, V is incredible. Much better than 90% of the science fiction to date, and I am a sci-fi freak.


The actress originally selected for Robin in V, was Dominique Dunne (From Poltergiest, older sister), however while rehearsing lines for V with David Packer, she was strangled until left braind dead by her jealous boyfriend. All of her scenes were deleted except for one reverse shot. You can refer to Dominique DUnne on IMDB for more info.

The Robin you see in the final V production was a replacement. She did alright...


If we judged everything as being bad simply because we've moved ahead in the graphics department, then most classic movies/shows would be "really, really BAD." Honestly, the acting is a matter of opinion, personally, besides the pregnant chick, I think the main crew are great. And the golf carts? Well I don't know where those were at, maybe your memories are a bit hazy. Last, nostalgia is awesome!

If we just dissed everything in the past and put dates on them, focusing on such dates, then we can never appreciate the roots behind most story lines still being repeated. I mean, as someone claims regarding V copying the Twilight Zone, TZ has given us so many great story lines still being used today. Yet, someone could easily see TZ as dated and cheesy. Overall, don't ditch V for being old. It was great back then, and still rules now. Easily, one of the best things to ever air on TV, and definitely my favorite thing made-for-TV.


I also think people base this "badness" on The Final Battle and the series. The first one was not even about the effects or the technology of the visitors. It was a warning about not being naive about those who promise to help us. There was a well-developed plot and characters, and the writing was pretty good. It was also meant to have universal appeal.

TFB and the series indeed did suck. They WERE about the special effects and tried to appeal more to sci-fi fans--so much so that the plot was neglected and writing was mediocre at best.

If another V were ever made, I'd also agree that only the original miniseries be used...chuck the rest of that junk! They were entertaining, but offer very little that would warrant follow-up.



The Final Battle was cool. It had classic scenes. The classic fist fight between mike donovan and ham tyler. The reptillian baby, the sellout priest, the story was solid. It was based on building characters and the resistance was hard. TFB indeed did not suck. Signs is an example of a sci fi alien movie that sucks. You don't see what it has to offer because you think it was all about special effects and you ignored the story.

There is much to warrant a follow up. There is mike donovans son and his remaining connection to Diana. What could happen as he got older, remember diana escaped. There is the alien human hybrid, to bring peace. Julie can still be manipulated, she may take care of the alien hybrid baby. Think about it.


I remember a priest, but how was he a sell out? Forgive the ignorance, but the last time I saw this was 16 years ago (shudder), and I can't quite remember that.
However when this originally aired I did freak out when Robin's more human looking baby was born (Jennifer, was it??)

Please enlighten me!

You say potato, I say vodka.



And of course, now I remember that her name was Elizabeth (thanks). If I can take some comfort in that she was played by Jennifer Cooke in the tv series though I'd appreciate it!

thanks for explaing that, now I can picture the whole thing, I really appreciate the memory jog.


You say potato, I say vodka.
