The "Famous ZAPPED Story" is about how Heather Thomas refused to do a topless scene so they used a body double and she STILL complained. My question is THIS: Did Heather even READ the script???? The whole movie is about these two horny guys zapping womens clothes off! How did she think HER charactor, The Queen Bee Sexy B!tch was gonna be SPARED?????? Of COURSE the finale was gonna be "Jane" getting nude...or damn close to it!!!
Seeing that this was her first flick I dont think she should have been such a diva. She should've done the topless scene or they should have found someone else to play "Jane".
I've compiled a few quotes from Heather about the whole nudity issue. Make of them what you will:-
From "People Magazine" August 9th, 1982.
"The producers are sleazeballs. They tried all they could to get me to change my mind, (about disrobing) it even got to stage when they were saying 'What's the matter, you ashamed of your body or something?'
"They resorted to a nude double. There's a disclaimer at the end of the film, but who sticks around for the credits? I didn't want my breasts to become the brunt of jokes."
Producer Jeff Apple retorts: "I'm surprised she's taken this point of view. We were following standard operating procedure."
Heather says the Screen Actor's Guild were of no help. "I'm disappointed that (SAG President) Ed Asner and his women's rights friends felt there was nothing they could do."
SAG spokesperson Kim Fellner said "We could find no violation of her contract with the producers."
From "Weekend Magazine" June 29th - July 5th, 1982.
When continually asked by the producers to strip off: "I just didn't feel right about it. I'm not a prude or an angel, I just didn't want semi-nude shots of me left on the cutting-room floor for anybody to look at. Stuff like that even ends up in those tacky nudie mags."
(Concerning the scene where her top falls down during the prom) "After I said I didn't like the scene they kept talking to me to do it. Then the producers said they would get a stand-in - a body model - just for that one shot. However they had to have my approval and I never gave it."
From "SunDay Magazine" April 10th, 1983.
"I was harassed every day to take my shirt off. They'd say 'What's the matter with you, have you got hang-ups?" "I just did not feel right about it. Every time they bothered me about showing my boobs I would lock myself in my dressing room. When you're holding up a production they tend to change their tune."
"The film wasn't pornographic, they just wanted me to go topless. But I knew there was going to be a european version with about thirty nudes to spice things up. But if I felt alright about nudity i'ld do it.
I have always been a fan of Heather Thomas ever since I first saw her in ZAPPED and then on The Fall Guy. It would have been nice if she had just done a couple of the scenes.
I am totally surprised because usually women who are doing their first film and are no name actresses usually dothe nude scene without any problems at all but she gave a lot of problems just wanting to do this one scene you know. Also to add Heather should not have been ashamed of her 35C size chest that she has. Those are very nice I bet to look at when she was in her 20's and I would have rather have seen her go topless than some stand in instead of her breasts.
She did say recently that she had just been offered 'The Fall Guy' series and there is a clause that she can't do any nudity elsewhere as it could harm the family nature of the show.
I reckon she had already agreed to do 'Zapped!' and was then offered 'The Fall Guy'. Knowing the series was most likely going to be a hit, she tried to back out of the nude scenes in the movie so she didn't ruin her career in television.
As well, n those times there was a wall of separation between TV and movies. If you look at people who acted on TV in the 70s and early 80s you'll see very little crossover into movies and vice versa. By the mid/late 80s that wasn't such a big deal, but typically someone left TV to go to the movies and didn't return. TV was sort of the "minor leagues" of acting back then. Anyway, for Heather to be in the movies, nude, would definitely impact her being on TV at 8-9pm.
I went topless my first time in film and it was not worth it. Plus I was tricked into showing more and embarrassing screen time with it. Another girl backed out of her agreement. Putting up a crying fuss about her shame and a director fawned all over her, then turned and treated me like crap in regards to the situation.
what was you nude in???? heather thomas just comes across as a diva and a prude , who signs up for a t&a comedy and then decides to pull a stunt like this , probrably why her career never took off that and the fact she wasn't a very good actress to begin with . nudity kind of comes with the business unless you want to work at disney,i have a problem with violence being ok nowadays and everybody being so pc/upset about nudity , how is violence ok and nudity is not ???? chopping a head off is cool but god forbid we see a woman's nipple
I was in a short once in which i had agreed to wear a somewhat revealing top. I held up that production a little though. Just because a director had barked at me to flaunt or else I was not in the professional league.
There is an alternative script at the "Zapped!" multiply club which is completely different while retaining a few of the moments that were eventually filmed. Apparently it's an early version by the original writers.
One thing to consider. Heather Thomas was the IT Girl at the time because she was on Fall Guy. The producers wanted her and would have given her ANYTHING to be in the film and help sell it.