this is exactly what I thought while watching this film. it's always a fun thing to think about when watching a movie, which actress is hotter in this movie or which actress is more beautiful in this movie? Geena Davis hotter than Jessica Lange in this film. but strangely not by much. Geena didn't look as good as she normally does in this film, which is really strange because you would think she would look about as good as she has ever looked in it because she was so young in this film. also, this is strange because growing up I never really remember Jessica Lange being that attractive because I grew up in the '90s and she was quite old looking in the '90s. growing up she always looked old, haggard, and old mom looking. but my gosh, in this film, she is so fetching, such a bombshell in her first scene in her nurse uniform. wow, I was really turned on by her and sexually aroused. late in this film Jessica started looking really good again, after not looking that good for most of this film.
But not as hot or beautiful as Geena Davis. you just can't beat Geena Davis as a young woman in this film, even though she looks kind of goofy looking and I didn't like her with her hair pulled back really, she still looked at least 1 star on a scale from 1-10 better than Jessica does in this film.
what's weird about Terri Garr in this film is she starts off looking really hot and really beautiful but after her first scene with Hoffman she for some strange reason becomes less attractive as the film goes on. she still looks hot and beautiful at the end but not anywhere near as hot and beautiful as she looks in the beginning of the film. she goes from being a 7 to a 6 in this film. I would still do her of course even at her worst looking in this film. her round ass looks hot in her tight jeans in her last scene in this film.