"This movie is Braveheart in space, except the ragtag underdogs are the bad guys."
I recently heard the movie being described as this^.
Needless to say, it blew my mind lol.
I recently heard the movie being described as this^.
Needless to say, it blew my mind lol.
I've always heard that The Wrath of Khan was supposed to be like Moby Dick. What I mean is that Khan like Captain Ahab turns down numerous opptunities to get rich (in Khan's case, the Genesis Device) because they want revenge against the entity (James T. Kirk/the whale the crippled Ahab) that they feel hurt them.
shareTo be specific, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is "Moby Dick Vs. A Tale of Two Cities... in Space!"
shareWell its on the same level as Braveheart in terms of it being a classic movie
share"Underdog as bad guy" is always an interesting dynamic, which you don't see very often in the movies (as opposed to real life where it's probably true more often than not in reality)
shareBraveheart sucks. So, no.