Why Wrath of Khan is easily my least favorite Star Trek flick
The logical errors abound: Why is it necessary for so many senior officers to appear in a mere cadet simulation (the Kobayashi Maru)? Why use live explosives in a simulator? Are these officers actors in their spare time (it certainly looks like it; Spock in particular hams it up)? How could Starfleet and their cartographers not realize that an entire planet is missing in the Ceti Alpha system? How could Chekov not realize this since he’s a trained navigator? Why didn’t Chekov realize that the Ceti Alpha system was the system in which Khan and his clan were marooned by his former captain (even assuming he wasn’t aboard the Enterprise during the 1st Season of the Original Series, he would have certainly gotten word from the rest of the crew, in particular from his Helmsman buddy Sulu)? How did the multi-ethnic supermen of “Space Seed” turn into a bunch of blond Aryans? Why would Scotty melodramatically bring his wounded nephew to the Bridge instead of Sickbay (which is one of the lamest scenes in Trek history)? Why does the ear slug simply leave Chekov instead of killing him as the creatures did to twenty of Khan’s people? How could Kirk not notice that Spock, his right-hand man, had left the Bridge? Why doesn’t Spock just put on an environmental space-suit before entering the radioactive chamber?
I could go on but I’ll have mercy. As great as these errors are, they could be ignored if the story itself was compelling.
Also, am I the only one who disfavors Merritt Butrick as Kirk's son, David? (Although he's alright once you get used to him).
Yes, there are some inspired elements that make it worth viewing and the second half finally gets interesting (up to Spock’s boring and cringe-inducing sacrifice anyway), but on a whole it’s a missed opportunity and near-soporific dud.