Does anyone dislike Linda??

I absolutely cannot stand her. She truly irks me with her obnoxious, bitchy attitude. She comes off as a bitch towards Mark for being a good guy to Stacey and not wanting to have sex with her. She just irritates me with her pretentious "Look at me, I'm better than everyone else because I'm mature" personality.


While I liked the movie a lot I've never really considered Linda to be one of my favorite characters either and her bikini scene meant nothing to me, I agree she was bitchy and obnoxious throughout the movie although I did enjoy her retaliating against Damone for not picking Stacy up.



Typical stuck-up, entitled chick, far too impressed with herself.


She's humbled by the end of the movie.


Her role was to represent the typical poser. Someone who tried to overcome their own insecurities by fudging the facts of her own life. Having Stacy as a sidekick worked great -- someone with no experience or knowledge that she could easily impress.

As sometimes happens with people like Linda it all unraveled in the end.

Wonder how things worked out with the psych professor?


The fact that they state he was a Psychology professor who taught abnormal psych just confirms the fact that Linda is insane.

She probably had a fling with the professor then never left his apartment.


I don't think she was supposed to be likeable. She was just someone making herself feel better by being a charity friend to Stacey. I never believed she had that boyfriend away at college. If she just didn't make him up, He was probably just someone she made out with at some party then had delusions about it and wrote him insane letters.


Exactly. Linda was a poser. I bet she was a virgin, too. All this talk of a fiance in Chicago, and she basically turned poor Stacy out with her pseudo "experience" talk. Linda made Stacy become the whore she was too scared to be. Linda was all talk. And breasts. But nothing else. It didn't surprise me that once she got away from Ridgemont she went nuts like so many inexperienced girls and was taken advantage of by her psych professor. She had no experience to draw on, except the lies in her head. Abnormal psych, indeed.


Um she’s like 90% of females under 30 today. lol!

Even in the 80s we knew girls just like her. That’s why the movie works.


She was pretty
