Worst movie ever nominated for more than one academy award?
Just got through the insufferable 2+ hours. The acting is atrocious, and I mean really atrocious. Wearing a 3 piece suit or a frilly peticoat does not automatically add gravity to your statements. Any dignity in the film is thrown out with purely gratuitous nudity. The story is hacked to pieces to the extent that any character's motivation is absent. I laughed out loud to most of this movie, Tivoed it to show my wife and had the same response. The treatment of race is infantile, apparently any reference to unions and anarchist theory is edited out. Just a train wreck. Howard Rollins was adequate to good, but even worse, that just underscored how bad everyone else was. Mandy Patinkin is likeable in this as always, but he's onscreen for about 5 minutes, and his story is hacked to pieces. Oddly enough, Altman would have tightened this thing up.