naked guy

Seriously, the scene with the naked guy falling out the window, penis in the wind, had to be one of the most unnecessary gratuitous scenes ever shot. And then he winds up dead with a horrific expression on his face. I can't believe Craig Wasson went through with that scene. Without some of the nudity, had it been released today, this might have gotten a PG-13.


I honestly can't see why it was decided to use that little bit of footage. We all saw him back out of that window and fall. That alone, would have been enough.... perhaps a brief scene of his broken body down below while she looks out the window and laughs. That would have been just as effective. Poor Craig Wasson, the "naked guy", as the OP calls him.
Every time I see him in anything else, I can't help thinking of his little ding dong fluttering in the wind.
It was an unnecessary scene... done for the shock value, I'm sure.



I agree. That just wasn't needed.



Teen boys like penis in their porn, but not in their horror movies. Ridiculous.
