how is this only 7.1?

I dont understand how this could be so lowly rated. Such an amazing tale with intriguing themes and a lot of emotion. I love this movie. Anyone wanna provide any flaws that may give reason to this rating?

Dear Warden, You were right. Salvation lies within.


This is a wonderful little jewel and I rate it higher myself. I suspect that the underlying subject matter can be somewhat dark and depressing (and real?) for many people. Perhaps the rating his held back because the story does not provide the typical happy fairy-tale Disney ending that many hope for but leaves viewers with a rather melancholy feeling. It can inspire reflection on our own lives in the human world and perhaps offer some insight into prejudice, learned preconceptions and the hidden destruction that can result from society's pressure to conform to stereotypical norms.



I have been a fan of this movie since I was a kid but I can't rate it higher then a 7. Sentimentally it's a movie I grew up with but objectively the movie has a lot of issues, it's one of the lesser Disney movies for sure.

