second rate Disney

Just watched this last night for the first time as an adult.

I loved it as a kid, but this time around I felt that it just isn't in the same league as classics such as Jungle Book, Lion King, Robin Hood, Snow White, Aladin, Little Mermaid etc

As mentioned in another thread, the woodpecker and other bird don't really have a point in the story ... they're just add ons.

The thing that struck me most though was the dreadful songs. Disney films usually have excellent songs. The songs in Fox and the Hound are so awful!!

I guess I should have left it as a happy memory of my childhood ... nowadays I'd rate it 3 or 4 out of 10.


To each and his own, I don't rate Robin Hood and Jungle Book too highly either.


No way. I'm not saying it's a perfect film, it's not. But it's one of the biggest-hearted Disney films I can think of, and it really goes for a different note than most of them and succeeds.

Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin


I agree with the OP, while the this film had a nice premise, it doesn't live up to it most of the time. The songs are among the least memorable I've ever heard and there are a lot of pointless distractions.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Honestly, I could have forgiven the lackluster songs and the pointless bird duo if the filmmakers had the balls to take the story where it needed to go. Even as a kid, I never understood why they didn't just kill Chief. He. Was. Hit. By. A. Train. And fell a hundred feet from the rails onto a rock. Even a kid, I knew he should be dead and my opinion hasn't changed at all over the years.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


I agree that the subplot of Dinky and Boomer chasing the caterpillar is one of the biggest flaws of the movie. That subplot was an distraction from the actual storyline and didn`t add nothing to the movie itself. And worse is that were too many of them.

As a kid I happened to consider "The Fox and the Hound" to be second rate Disney. But now as an adult my affection for it has grown.
