Every time she got raped, that music would come on that would crack me up and I wouldn't be affected by the scene at all. That "DAA DAA DAA DAA DAA" music LMAO! How do you take this movie seriously when the music his absolutely hilarious!
I agree. Whatever I was supposed to feel during the rape scenes - disgust, anger, horror - was instead replaced by humour and therefore riotous laughter. This I think is an excellent example of a film's score ruining the mood of a scene. Plus, I couldn't help but think of the director telling Barbara Hershey "to squirm and wiggle, you know, like an invisible man is rapin' ya!"
Props to Hershey for what must have been difficult, or conversely, amusing. It made me laugh, but it's not my fault. Bad musicians, they're to blame.
Always remember to wear a helmet when caving, and carry three light sources
I agree that the music during the attacks becomes annoying and is used too often, it's the worst thing about the film. All the other music though is great, the quieter stuff really adds to the creepy atmosphere and I also like the main theme.