I don't see any reason to knock the score, it may or may not hold up well over the test of time but it's the way things were done back in 1981. I saw the movie at the theater when it came out and trust me, I didn't even think twice about the stupid score!
What this movie brings to us is a snapshot into how Hollywood was back in the late 70's/early 80's. It was the time where scifi and fantasy were at it's heights and the studios were trying hard to make hits within the genre. There were a lot of hits and misses but mainly misses. Dragonslayer is one of word of mouth movies because..well..because it was different and good and fun and unique with pretty decent special effects for those days.
Going to the movies back then was so much different than today. A friend would find out from another friend that some movie with a strange name was playing at the local cineplex and that it was really, really good. You'd ask your parents to take you to said cineplex and the movie would be in the smallest theater past all the big name movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back, and The Shining. These little gems were hard to find but that's what friends are for. Man, nothing beat going to the movies and being totally surprised and entertained by a kick a$$ unique movie with a lot of action, suspense and cool sfx!!!!
"There is no Hollywood any more, there's just a bunch of banks"