Bubo was the real hero

Bubo showed the way to the witches.
Bubo got the witches' eye.
Bubo freed Pegasus and burned the enemy camp down.
Bubo got Medusa's head for Perseus.
Bubo should've gotten the princess and been placed in the stars.


Bubo-D2, essentially! I agree


He saved the day.


He was built to succeed.


I love that adorable little mechanical owl


Just tonight at dinner my 5-year-old told me that bubo is the Latin word for owl. I should show him Clash of the Titans!


That's fantastic!

I tried watching this movie with my 6 y/o a few months back and they didn't really engage. It takes a while to initially get going and then dies off again, then comes back. Needs a lot of patience.

I loved it as a kid in the '80s but times have really changed.
