I have to disagree with the OP. The problem isn't with older movies, which were made with the best effects available at the time—the problem is with viewers unable or unwilling to stretch themselves beyond their digital comfort zone & appreciate those films overall. In this case, it's a film (as noted by Otter's comment) with "wit, cleverness, and charm"—all of which matter far more in the end than special effects.
The special effects of today's favorites of today will be equally outdated before we know it. Will those films hold up for their scripts & atmosphere the way TIME BANDITS does? Or for that matter, the 1940s THIEF OF BAGHDAD. Or the original KING KONG? Those older effects have their own beauty & power, if one is willing to accept them. And they're in service to strong films with strong stories, which is more than can be said about all too many modern films, where special effects are basically all they've got going for them.