Very overrated movie

It's slow, not enough gore, it's slow, skelter, borefest, slow, here's Johnny, yawn, snow, the end.

I don't get the high rating for this movie. It's boring. Nicholson is overrated as always. There's fuck all happening really. I don't feel sympathy for the characters, it's never scary or frightening, unless you find a lumberjack with an axe frightening.


Holy shit, yes. It's boring, slow-paced, with no suspense, no logic and no pay-off at the end. It's all over the place. The acting was really bad as well, including Jack Nicholson who just played his typical over-the-top self.

Also, the hysterical music score gave me a headache.


Oh wow, you don't get what Kubrick, and to a lesser extent, King, were going for. Do I have to spell it out?


I agree with Stratego to a point. There was no suspense if Jack was going to turn bad. At least in the book there was a great deal of inner turmoil with the character. Even the end was a sacrifice. The other characters were really wasted as well.

I can appreciate the movie for what it is now, but I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything.


It has a certain atmosphere to it, and I love the whole "are they there or are they not?" concerning Lloyd the barman and Delbert Grady, as well as the huge 1920s crowd in the Gold Room, which in itself is an impressive set.

Yes, there are long shots of Jack just staring in a leery way, and other slow abstract shots, but it does have a mystery about Room 237 and why it seems to be a focal point of the ghostly hauntings, and the threat posed by the family's complete isolation, not to mention a maze in the snow that they could die in if Jack chased them in there (the boy was extremely smart to do what he did to survive). The palpable sense of tension as Jack goes slowly insane is compelling, and I still feel sorry for the poor guy(s) who had to type out "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" thousands upon thousands of times in different patterns on a typewriter - Kubrick sure could make people half-crazy himself with his insistence on perfection, especially the many takes with the Wendy actress. There are also great performances from all, not to mention great dialogue, and I even like the description of all the food items in the kitchen store - yum!

Great movie!


Oh noes, I don't "get the movie"! I guess I'm just not enough of a pretentious Kubrick fanboy. 🤷‍♀️

No, it's absolutely unclear what he was going for, but even if it was, it does not change that it's boring, slow-paced, with no suspense, no logic, no pay-off at the end and that it's all over the place with really bad acting as well.

Why mention King? He complained that the movie was too different from his book.


Because Kubrick improved on King's book, by not having to animate the hedge maze animals or something - that was just dumb King writing to have that happen.


A change like that is understandable for practical reasons. I've never read the book, so I'm not bothered by that anyway. Is that something King complained about?

It's not the only thing he changed, though.


The more I have watched it over the years, the more I've liked it.


Maybe you would have preferred the international version better, which runs at 1 hour and 59 minutes, if you thought it was slow-paced. Some prefer it, including Kubrick himself. Of course it won't give you any more gore. The Shining isn't a slasher.


I agree. If it was shorter and a silent film, I think it would've worked better - I feel like it was emulating a silent film for a lot of the runtime, but all the actual dialogue was dragging it down.




Well of course Gen Z is going to shit on a classic like this with everything you just mentioned not being in the movie, ala, not enough gore, slow buildup etc and what can I say for you?? I'm sorry you have terrible taste and most likely have ADHD




I'm offended by your "You must have ADHD." comment. I have ADHD and liked this film. I think it's more like you say a lot of people born 2000 or later grew up on faster paced movies and can't appreciate older slower paced movies.


I give to this 2/10 for the attempt, see my related IMDb list


Well of course, if you're Gen Z and prone to watching horror with graphic violence along with buckets of blood & gore, then of course you probably won't care for this..


Just watched it. Find it very confusing.
