How did this movie ruin Cimino's career?
It won an Oscar and had a few other nominations. Was it just a commercial failure?
shareIt won an Oscar and had a few other nominations. Was it just a commercial failure?
shareIt was nominated for an Oscar for Best Art Direction, but it didn't win. People had high expectations for Cimino's next film after "The Deer Hunter", but there was a lot of negative press about "Heaven's Gate" before it was released. Filming was behind schedule and over budget. Critics savaged the film after it premiered in New York, so Cimino asked that the film be pulled from distribution so he could edit it into a shorter length. When critics saw the shortened version months later it still received scathing reviews. Few theatres played the film and audiences were small. The film cost an estimated $35,000,000 in 1980, but its domestic gross was only around $3,500,000. It became one of those films that is widely mocked by the public even though few have actually seen it.
shareYeah,so much that Cimino didn't get another flick for nearly 5 years 'til Year of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke,but that & his later filcks never matched the
impact The Deer Hunter had.....................................nearly 20 years
after his last picture to date,The Sicilian,you wonder will Cimino ever step
behind a camera again????
Everything you've said is right col_rutherford, all except for the budget, which was stated in the documentary "Final Cut: The Making of Heaven's Gate and Unmaking of a Studio" seen on YouTube. The film's cost was $44 million and its gross was only $1.3 million, but truly a historic bomb regardless.
I would like hopefully to see the original final cut of the 5 hour and 25 minute film, digitally restored and remastered maybe by the Criterion Collection, then I'll judge whether all the fiasco was worth it.
Everything you've said is right col_rutherford, all except for the budget, which was stated in the documentary "Final Cut: The Making of Heaven's Gate and Unmaking of a Studio" seen on YouTube. The film's cost was $44 million and its gross was only $1.3 million, but truly a historic bomb regardless.
"widely mocked by the public, though few have actually seen it."
Very true. That's oddly similar to that long-standing joke about the 'Velvet Underground'- Everybody agrees they were a truly "great band", but hardly anyone ever heard anything they did.
A bit of the old 'herd instinct'.
Best solution - See (and hear) for yourself
it not only ruined his career but it changed hollywood. studios after this film stopped giving the free rein to directors and movie making changed for the worse. the press savaged this film and secretly the studios loved it . cimino was a young maverick that provoked much jealousy among the studio. his fall didn't cause many tears.
still i think this movie was an excellent, it is laughable when people describe it as one of the worst movies of all time. no it wasn't perfect but it was compelling and done well. the final battle scene was awesome movie making. to say this is one of the worst movies of all time and then watch a movie like armaggedon is ridiculous. holly wood has not recovered from the years of bells and whistles make money movie making that has dominated films for the last 30 years.
the last two years inspired me to hope we are returning to some good solid movie making from directors and studios that aren't afraid to take their time and tell a good story. There will be Blood, No country for Old men, michael clayton, pan's labyrinth, children of men,
time has a way of revising opinion. shane, high noon, once upon a time in the west, were all looked at with scorn when released. now these movies are considered a classic. heaven's gate is a three star movie and deserves much more respect than it has gotten, but will in time
The irony is that Heaven's Gate wouldn't be considered that expensive by today's standards. Heaven's Gate cost an estimated $35,000,000 in 1980. Adjusted for inflation that's $86,820,000. By comparison Evan Almighty (2007) cost $175,000,000 and Quantum of Solace (2008) cost $225,000,000.
shareAdjusted for inflation or not, it only made (at best) 10% of what it cost. If Evan Almighty had made only $17.5 million, Jim Carrey's career would've definitely taken a serious step backward.
Don't forget, too, Bond films nearly always make money, and the closest Carrey has come to a flop is "The Majestic".
Cimino only had the Deer Hunter on his resume. Ergo, his project was a huge gamble that obviously did not pay.
Adjusted for inflation or not, it only made (at best) 10% of what it cost. If Evan Almighty had made only $17.5 million, Jim Carrey's career would've definitely taken a serious step backward.
Adjusted for inflation or not, it only made (at best) 10% of what it cost. If Evan Almighty had made only $17.5 million, Jim Carrey's career would've definitely taken a serious step backward.
Don't forget, too, Bond films nearly always make money, and the closest Carrey has come to a flop is "The Majestic".
The money the film lost, not for United Artists but their parent company, was recovered immediately.
And it is a great film, unfortunately tainted by critics and the ignorant.
In the case of 2 month old Alisha, Brian, YOU ARE THE FATHER
Hollywood accounting is notoriously dodgy. Studios use the films they lose money on as an excuse not to share profits from the films that do make money. It could be in a studio's interest to make a movie seem like a bigger financial flop than it really was.
shareYou're most certainly right. The cost was written off a day after the premiere, and was regained after one day! At least critics got their nice rant. A-holes! Anyway, the film's perfect, and if only critic-proof movies existed then. I guess critics and audiences took this movie personally. Like Michael Cimino killed all of their fathers.
shareMaybe this has been brought up, but I think the biggest problem was WHAT the movie was about. I mean, who had even heard of the Johnson County War before this?
Mr. Cellophane shoulda been my name, Mr. Cellophane....
I think this movie is an excellent example of the worthlessness of so called movie critics. It is not only a great epic, but contains some great filmmaking,the roller skating sequences alone are well worth the price of admission.It is also an excellent study of class differences in the US. It has a great cast, great acting, the plot is realtively accurate from an historical perspective.
Some of my other favorite films that were trashed by the critics upon release are, Blade Runner (recently voted the best sci-fi movie of all time), The Wild Bunch, Harold and Maude, and Bonnie and Clyde, to name just a few. I think this puts Heavens Gate in some pretty good company. (I noticed some commentators said they found this movie unwatchable. I suggest they try some Tarkovsky, Dreher, or maybe Mother and Son or Russian Ark in order to hone their filmwatching skills and then try HG again)
First off, the movie is borderline unwatchable. It's almost unbelievably self-indulgent, and I don't usually like calling movies "self-indulgent," but no other term fits here. Scenes that make their point in ten seconds go on for a minute and a half. Scenes that not only don't advance the story, but actively bog it down, are commonplace. Cimino single-handedly destroyed a studio; no one in Hollywood wanted to go near him, and with good reason.
But it wasn't just Heaven's Gate. This guy just couldn't learn his lesson. Read the IMDb story about "Footloose" -- Cimino was warned sternly about adhering to the budget, then he tries to add a massive delay and added expense for a surprise rewrite while the whole cast is assembling for principal photography. Who DOES that stuff? Michael Cimino, that's who.
I'm watching this abortion right now on DVR-delay from TCM's recent airing. It's no better than I remember, and maybe even worse. If that's possible. Which it isn't.
I don't wish the man, personally, any ill. I hope he's happy living out his dreams somewhere. I hope he has a good, fulfilling and long life. But let's not kid ourselves about what this movie is, and for God's sake I hope no one else lets the man anywhere near a camera.
Thank you for your excellent review. What's that old took the words right out of my mouth, only you wrote it far better. The Deerhunter is one of my favorite movies and based on that movie, I tried to, if not like this movie, find something to applaud. With wild abandon, here I go: some of the cinematography was excellent.
How did this movie ruin Cimino's career?
Mr. Cimino has no directing career because he committed the most egregious and unpardonable sin one can ever dare to commit in Hollywood without being severely punished: He caused a studio to loose BIG bucks.
Yeah,his bid for "perfection" turned what was supposed to be like a 60-day shoot
into one that lasted nearly 6 months.........what was in his mind in his bid to
out-do what he did in The Deer Hunter anyway????
It's the ONLY movie I've ever walked out on, and the theater served beer and wine. You could sip your beverage while watching. Couldn't save THIS clunker. Had to go.
Anyone who says they actually LIKE this thing is obviously a pedantic charlatan.
>>Anyone who says they actually LIKE this thing is obviously a pedantic charlatan.<<
No, it's just someone who disagrees with you, which is apparently something you can't handle.
"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
Heaven's Gate didn't ruin Camino's career, his ego did...
shareTHAT is hitting the nail on the head. Cimino's ego along with his perfoectionistic attitude did in his career. Too bad because he had promise. Frankly I don't think "Heaven's Gate" is a terrible movie it's just average when it should have been great (according to expectations anyway). To watch it now without any expectation is to find a film that has its moments of brilliance and boredom. I think what hurt Cimino most was winning the Oscar so early in his career. Obviously this hurt him more then helped because he felt invinsible and continually challenged the studio which you don't do.
shareI know this film totally damaged Cimino's career but in my opinion I think he got some elevation back when he made "Year Of The Dragon" with Mickey Rourke. I seem to recall a ton of critical praise for this film back in the 1980's. Maybe I am wrong.
shareYou are correct that "Year of the Dragon" did get some critical praise but it was a flop at the box office and THAT is what Cimino didn't need. He needed a bona fide hit and he's never had one since "The Deer Hunter."
shareApparently it was originally 5 and a half hours long!!
shareIf you want to know the story behind "Heaven's Gate", watch the documentary "Final Cut: The Making and Unmaking of Heaven's Gate". You find the complete film on youtube:
Really interesting and worth watching.
Before time began, there was.... the cube.
Watch Final Cut: The Making & Unmaking Of Heaven's Gate & you'll have your answer. Personally, I think there's a great movie in that 200+ hours of footage but Cimino' such a megalomaniac, unfortunatley we'll never truly know. Cimino crossed the line that separates obsessive genius from contempt & disrespect. He should've been fired at best, at worst sued but UA didn't have the balls to reign him in at any point, so it's not really all his fault.
shareRead the book, FINAL CUT, by Steven Bach.
A former head of production at United Artists, which produced Heaven's Gate, he goes into great detail about the making of the film, and the breaking of careers and a major studio.
"'re forgetting one thing- I just started using laser cats again!"
In my opinion, this movie was a commercial flop because it is difficult to figure out the story it is trying to tell. I think it had something to do with this guy from Harvard who wanted to help bring civilization to the West. He gets there and becomes involved in a conflict between cattlemen and immigrants. That story takes forever to tell and pretty soon z-z-z-z-z-z z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z. In my view, that is why this movie was a commercial failure. It is just a badly told story.